Thursday, June 30, 2016


4 sets:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull-downs
:60 single unders
10:00 mobility work of choice



40:00 assault bike @Z2, same pace as last week

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow and controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 10x1 building so last 2-3 sets are tough, begin a set every :60
For time:
15 ring muscle ups
15 bar muscle ups
3 rounds steady:
45' handstand walk
10 strict fat bar pull ups
200m run

complete, 280 calories

A1. complete
A2. complete
B. 125-135-145-155-165-175-180-185-190-200

AM session felt GREAT this morning! I can't believe a few months ago I was nervous to do 20:00 at Z2. 

Squat cleans were awesome today, I think this was the best lifting session I've had in awhile. When I was planning my lifts on this I was originally going to try to get up to 215 but once I got started I realized that was probably a bit too overzealous for today (classic). I underestimated how fatigued my legs would get from the extra front squat on each set. Still though, every clean was fast and crisp and I had no misses. The clean at 200 was really easy but the front squat was a bit slow. I'm curious to see how high I would have been able to get if this was strictly a clean gauntlet without the front squat. I honestly think a 230 clean isn't too far off. 

Well guys, I was all excited for the muscle up workout and I basically sucked real bad. I was really disappointed with my performance on this. My clutch muscle ups were nowhere to be found today. I thought I would be able to open with a pretty large set on the rings but once I started I was all over the place. The rings were way too close together which made turning over difficult (I forgot to check this before I started) and I was swinging back and forth. I ended up breaking the ring MUs up 5/4/3/3 with way too much rest between sets. I was catching really low and pressing out a lot. What the eff. My muscle ups haven't been that shitty in a long time. I think I finished in a little over two minutes? I thought I would be able to make up for it by opening with a big set of bar muscle ups but alas, that was not the case. I did 4, 3, then doubles. I was resting a LOT between sets. These felt awful too, I could tell my kip was really restricted and I was catching really low. I did NINE bar muscle ups unbroken last week and today I could barely do three. I don't know what the deal was. I should have smashed this workout. Last year I did 7 ring muscle ups and 7 bar muscle ups for time and got 1:44 so this should have been closer to four minutes, not five. Bleh. 

Handstand walk was unbroken on the first and third round (I came down too early on accident on the second round) and strict pull ups were 4/3/3 every set. Also, today was the first time my knee didn't get aggravated after running! So at least that's something.


8 sets:
500m row @2:06.0-2:06.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
5 dragon flags
A. Push press, 3-3-3-3, 21x1; 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 10x3 @105% 1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
5 sets for even times:
20 kettlebell swings, 35
60 double unders
20 row calories
2:30 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


A. 105-115-125-135
B. complete @235
DNS- ran out of time

I forgot how much I dislike push press, I always want to just push jerk. My back was REALLY tight again today, what the heck. It's hard to believe my max push press is 165 because 135 was tough today. 

Clean-grip deadlifts were super easy today, huzzah! I was making sure to engage my hamstrings and not my back since everything was really off last week. 

Five rounds went well, I tripped up on my double unders during the third set and my rower also shut off so that's why it's a bit slower than all the others. Double unders were unbroken for the other four sets. 


A. Front squat, 3-3-3-3, 20x1; 2:30 rest
B. Weighted false-grip strict pull up, build to a max
3 rounds for time:
30 wall balls, 14 to 9'
20 toes to bar
Crossover Symmetry Recovery

A. 175-185-195-205
B. 194 (144 BW+50)

Front squats felt REALLY heavy today, these were a struggle. My back lit up and got really tight which never happens during front squats so I'm not sure what was going on. I guess I needed to spend more time warming up? 

Weighted false-grip pull ups went well, I'm happy with this. I thought strict pull ups would be more difficult after I basically ate garbage all weekend. 

Ehhhhh I know my time on the wall ball/TTB piece was slow but I really tried! Wall balls were 30, 20/10, and 18/12 with minimal rest between sets. The toes to bar always get me though. I broke them up into sets of five on the first round, sets of four on the second round, then threes twos and singles on the third round. I really lost it on the third round, I slowed way down and was resting too much between sets. My breathing was fine but my toes to bar were just slow. Ugh. These are the worst!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Long, unplugged hike


Had to wake up on the early side to go to breakfast with my parents then had hours of work to do before I went to a going-away dinner. I will get back to hiking one day...

Monday, June 27, 2016

6/25/2016- DSC Summer Open

TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY EVER! I had so much fun at the DSC Summer Open, I'm so glad I decided to do this! 

A brief rundown of the day...

I arrived at DSC around 8:15 and weighed in (64.5kg=142 pounds, officially 7 pounds lighter than I was in April, thanks RP Strength) then proceeded to eat the rest of my breakfast/eat half a bag of sour patch kids. They gave us our lifting order and I found out I was last which meant I was opening the heaviest. I also realized I would be following myself, meaning there were no other lifters between any of my lifts. Everyone started warming up and lifting, including me, because I had a total brain fart about how lifting meets actually work. The meet started at 10:00 and I figured we would move through the snatches pretty quickly. However, I forgot about the 2:00 clock between each individual lift. I warmed up with everyone else but then realized I would be sitting around for another 45 minutes once the meet actually started. Oops. I really had no clue what to do to keep myself warm but prevent myself from fatiguing. I would hit a light snatch and then do some heavy pulls, but I was starting to panic about warming up too early. 

When it was actually time for me to lift, I was a little worried that I had gotten too cold. My first attempt was 65kg (143.3 pounds) and the pull was actually super easy but I didn't punch my arms back far enough and I ended up losing it forward. I was super annoyed because this is not a weight I should be failing. I didn't even wait the full two minutes before I tried again, this time I power snatched it because I knew I would throw my arms back more aggressively. Nailed it. I went up to 70kg (154.3) and hit that pretty easily. 

Clean and jerk
I was more relaxed once the snatches were finished and this time I knew to wait to start warming up until the first lifter started her clean and jerk. It didn't take me very long to warm up for clean and jerk, but my legs were feeling fatigued coming out of the squats so I decided to just power clean everything. I opened with 82kg (180) which wasn't my original plan (I was going to open at 185) but I figured I had a better chance of hitting all three lifts if I went 180-190-200. This was exactly what happened, I made the 82kg clean and jerk, then hit 87kg (191.8) and 90kg (198.4). I realized I should have made 90kg my second lift and ended with something closer to my max, which is 210 pounds. Oh well, it's all a learning experience! I was happy to hit all three clean and jerks.

I ended up with a 160kg total and a 209.367 Sinclair score which put me in first place! This was awesome. I had a blast at this meet. Everything was really well-run, the volunteers were all really nice, and all the lifters were cool as well! It was also really nice to see Adam, Becky, Michael, and Jensen. I would definitely like to do another lifting meet at some point this year and go for bigger numbers. (150/160/170 snatch and 190/200/210 clean and jerk). I learned a lot and it was also good for me mentally. I need to be able to go out and confidently hit the weight and I need to not be afraid to open a bit heavier, I have to stop second guessing myself. Overall this was a great experience and I'm so glad I did it! Onward! 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 4-6 moderate barbell upright rows, 31x0

A. Snatch, build quickly to 85% of opener
B. Clean and jerk, build quickly to 85% of opener
C. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate, fast single- stop well before any grinding out of the hole
D. Muscle ups, 3x3 unbroken crisp reps, rest as needed
3 sets:
:10 row sprints
1:50 rest

complete w/95#

A. 125
B. 165
C. 235
D. complete

Another really solid day, feeling very rested and strong for the meet. Snatch and clean and jerk were super easy today. 

Back squat was also much better than it has been the past few weeks. 

Muscle ups were ALSO better than usual, I was catching really high on every rep. 


4 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull-downs
:60 single unders
10:00 mobility work of choice



35:00 assault bike @Z2, same pace as last week

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow and controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Snatch balance, build quickly to a tough single
C. 1-arm DB row, 3x2-3/side, 20x0; :60 between sides
For time:
10 bar muscle ups
100' handstand walk
30 CTB pull ups

245 calories

A1. Complete
A2. Complete
B. 160 (PR+5)
C. 65-70-75

Today was awesome! Snatch balances were much better than last week, I was a lot faster under the bar and my shoulders felt strong. I was definitely not expecting a PR today, I actually jumped from 145 to 160 because everything was going so well. I sat in the bottom for a few seconds just to make sure I was below parallel. PRs are few and far between these days so I'll take it! 

I thought the workout went well, I was shooting for closer to 4:00 but I ended up breaking up the CTB pull ups more than I expected. Bar muscle ups were 9(PR+2) and 1, these felt great. I almost went for the tenth rep but I caught pretty low on the ninth rep and I didn't want to fail the last one. Handstand walk was unbroken for the first 50 feet but slowed down on the way back and I ended up coming down around 30 feet. I was hoping to do the CTB pull ups in sets of ten but that didn't end up happening, I actually ended up breaking them up into pretty small sets (10/5/4/4/2/2/2). They were all butterfly and I tried to rest as little as possible between sets. I'm a little disappointed I wasn't able to do these in bigger sets but overall happy with my time on this. 


10 sets:
500m row @2:07.0-2:07.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
3 dragon flags
A. Clean-grip deadlift, 8x3@105% 1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
3 sets for even times:
15 ring push ups
30 KB swings, 35
60 double unders
3:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


A. complete @235

Rows went really surprisingly well this morning considering I had already consumed 1.5 birthday donuts. 

I forgot how hard dragon flags are. 

Ring push ups are fun, I like these. This workout was definitely a shoulder burner, my breathing was fine. I tripped twice on the first round of double unders and tripped once on the third set, so that was annoying. Ring push ups and kettlebell swings were unbroken. 

Totally forgot to do the Crossover Symmetry Recovery. Oops!


A. Snatch. build to anticipated opener, then add 5-10 and hit one more single
B. Clean and jerk, same as A
C. Front squat, 5-5-5, 20x1; 2:00 rest
D. Weighted false-grip strict pull ups, 2-2-1-1, 21x0, no pauses at the top this week; 2:00 rest
E. Toes to bar, 12x4 unbroken, begin a set every :30
Crossover Symmetry recovery
10:00 assault bike @Z1

A. 155
B. 195
C. 155-170-185
D. 10-15-20-25
E. complete

Lifting went MUCH better today. I think my shoulders were just fried from all the muscle ups I had done on Friday and that's why everything was so shaky and fatigued on Saturday. I worked up to a 155 snatch pretty easily with no misses. Clean and jerks also felt really good, I failed the first clean at 195 because my pull was super weird but I got it the second time. 

False-grip pull ups were easy. 

No issues on the toes to bar. 

Monday, June 20, 2016


Long, unplugged hike


walked around OTR with Heather and Emily and also mowed the lawn for an hour so....yeah I know that doesn't count. I've lost my motivation to go hiking lately. One of my hiking buds is in a sling, one has been doing the hill runs every Sunday, and one just moved back to Cleveland. I need to start driving to some parks closer to my house, it's hard to drive all the way to Ault Park or Cincinnati Nature Center if I'm hiking solo. I will try to get better at making this a priority. 


A. Snatch, build to your expected opener
B. Clean and jerk, build to your expected opener
Partner work- TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice 

A. 145
B. 185
17:10 w/Linnea
3 rounds:
20 alternating curls, 25#
:30 front leaning rest 

Oh my. Today was the worst lifting session I've had in quite some time. Every single lift was bad. I was excited going into this because I'm really looking forward to the lifting meet next weekend and I was hoping this would build some confidence. Nope. My set up for every snatch was different, I was landing on my toes and the weight felt very heavy overhead. I worked up to a shaky 145, tried again and failed, so I called it there. Clean and jerks weren't much better, I went 125-155-175-185. The jerk wasn't hard, it was actually the clean that felt slow. Am I overestimating my openers? I didn't think I was but now I'm not sure, everything was legit garbage today. 

The partner workout was cool, it was fun teaming up with Linnea. I ripped my hand on the very last set of pull ups (classic). I did sets of 10-15 on the pull ups and 20-25 on the wall balls. We split the row 500 each then she ran 400m and I did .5 on the assault bike. I felt good throughout this whole workout! 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6-8 light barbell upright rows, 31x0

A. Back squat, 5-5-5, 22x1; 2:30 rest
B. Weighted strict fat bar pull up, build to a 1RM, 21x0
3 rounds for time:
21 assault bike calories
15 GHD sit ups
9 muscle ups
Not for time:
200m farmers walk, 70/hand 

complete w/75#

A. 185-195-205
B. 211 (143 BW + 68)

I love Fridays!

Back squats were kind of tough today, 205 isn't very impressive for a set of five...

Weighted pull ups were solid, I was happy with this. 

The assault bike/GHD/MU piece was actually fun. GHD paired with muscle ups is a nasty combo, I really started to feel it on the third set of MUs. I thought I kept a pretty solid pace on the assault bike and GHDs but my muscle ups slowed WAY down. I was resting a lot between sets, especially on the third round. I was just standing around staring at the rings a lot. I used the thin rings just to switch it up and it wasn't too bad. MUs were broken up 4/4/1, 3/3/3, 2/2/2/3. Not the best. I should have been under fifteen minutes on this, I was on pace to beat it but I had fifteen in my head so I allowed myself to rest too long during the last round. So jive. ("Jive" means lame in jazz speak). 

Farmers walk wasn't terrible, I took a short break every 50 meters. 


4 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:60 ski erg
:60 single unders


I'm going to be honest, I just didn't feel like doing this today. I was really tired. There it is. 


30:00 assault bike @Z1, same pace as last week

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 3x15' reverse, very slow and controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat both w/:02 pause in the hole, 1-1-1-1-1 moderate; :90 rest
C. 1-arm DB row, 3x3-4/side, 20x0, :60 between sides
5 rounds for time:
3 bar muscle ups
30' handstand walk
8:00 @80%
8 strict pull ups
10 ski erg calories
12 hand-release push ups


A1. complete
A2. complete
B. 85-95-105-115-125
C. 60-65-70

Unfortunately I was not able to complete my AM sesh today. I had to cover the 7:00 AM class at MSC and I was planning on doing z2 on the airdyne during my 30 minute break between classes, but a few people ended up staying after class for awhile and by the time they left the 7:00 people were starting to filter in and my window has disappeared. I was bummed about this because I enjoy my Wednesday AM sessions. Oh well. Next week. 

Snatch balances were rough today, these weren't very smooth. The weight felt heavy overhead. 

The bar muscle up/handstand walk workout was really fun! I enjoyed this one. Bar muscle ups were unbroken for all sets, handstand walk was broken up once during the second set (I thought I had already passed the line) and once during the fifth set. I tried to keep my transitions short but I should have pushed the rest more before the bar muscle ups. 

It was effing hot today.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


8 sets:
500m row @2:07.0-2:07.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
A. Split jerk, 7x1 starting @135 and adding 5 every set to end @165, begin a rep every :60
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 6x3 @105% 1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. Close-grip bench press, build to a heavy single for the day
3 sets for even times:
21 KB swings, 53
21 assault bike calories
63 double unders
3:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


A. complete
B. complete @235
C. 145 (155 Fx1)

Despite my legs being extremely sore from all the wall balls yesterday, the rows felt really good today. 

Split jerks were super easy and crisp. 

Bench press was easy up through 145, I went up to 155 and went for a PR but didn't get it. You win again, bench press. 

I subbed row calories for assault bike calories since all the bikes were occupied. All KB swings were unbroken but I tripped on the 28th double under on the first AND second set. What the heck. My legs were really tired during this workout but breathing was good. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


A. 1&1/4 front squat, 3-2-1-1; 2:30 rest
B. Weighted false-grip strict pull ups, 3x2-3, 21x0- no pause @ top this week; 2:00 rest
C. Toes to bar, 10x4 unbroken, begin a set every :30
3 rounds for time:
21 row calories
35 wall balls, 14 to 10'
Crossover Symmetry Recovery

A. 185-195-205-215
B. 5-10-15
C. complete

Front squats felt like shit today, everything was really heavy. My legs were really fatigued for some reason. I knew I was in trouble when 185 was tough for three reps. 215 was really tough for one and I know I've done 225 in the past for a single 1&1/4 front squat. Just didn't have it today. 

Weighted pull ups, however, were great! These were much better than last week. I might try some more strict muscle ups this week. 

Toes to bar were easy. I should have shaved my hands for this though, I almost ripped. 

The row/wall ball workout was rough but this is exactly what I need to be doing. I tried to keep the rowing between 1050-1100 cals/hr, sometimes it was a little faster. I broke up the wall balls 20/10/5, 11/12/10/2 (why?), 10/10/8/7. Looking back, I wish I would have just done 10/10/8/7 for all sets but oh well. I tried not to rest too much between sets of wall balls but I was definitely taking longer breaks on the third round. I thought my transitions were pretty good, I tried to get on the rower and start pulling right away. I was happy with this but I still need to work on less rest during wall balls. Thanks Stephen and Megan for cheering me on during this workout. 


Long, unplugged hike

35:00 walk around the neighborhood in the scorching heat 


A. Power clean to overhead, build to a touch and go 7RM
B. Handstand walk, 250' for time
Partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice

A. 125
B. 4:41
4 rounds for time:
15 hand-release push ups
50m DB farmers walk
15 sit ups
15 row calories
(14:12 w/50# DB)
subbed mobility 

I really had no idea where I would end up on the 7 rep power clean to overhead. I figured since I did almost hit the 7 rep bear complex at 125 last month I could at least do that. I started with 115 and almost stopped after that but then I decided to stop being a little b-hole and went for 125. I think if I did this again I could go heavier. Finding a max for that many reps is always tough. 

The handstand walk SUCKED. It was really weird because I didn't break it up as much as I did last time but I was walking slower than normal. I'm not sure if I was just trying to conserve energy or what but I was going a lot slower than usual and when I did take a break it took me a long time to make myself kick back up. This was almost thirty seconds slower than when I did it the last time. I definitely need to get this under four minutes. I was basically just moving in slow motion the entire time. 

I have a feeling I'll be doing most of the class partner workouts on my own unless someone wanders in around 11:30. I kind of like creating my own version of whatever the class is doing. I enjoyed today's workout, the dumbbell walk got really tough, my grip was blown up by the end. I tried to keep transitions short and I thought I moved well on this. 

Forearms were already blown up from the workout so I subbed a lot of knee/shoulder mobility. 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 7-10 light barbell upright rows, 31x0

A. Squat snatch, 5x3 touch and go @85, begin a set every :60
B. Back squat, 2-2-2-2, 40x1; 2:30 rest
C. Weighted strict fat-bar pull ups, 2-2-2, 21x0; 2:00 rest
For time:
7 burpee muscle ups
2:00 rest
21 glute ham sit ups
7 burpee muscle ups
2:00 rest
400m run
21 glute ham sit ups
7 burpee muscle ups
3 rounds for time:
10 assault bike calories
50m farmers walk, 70/hand 

complete, misread this and accidentally used a dumbbell like last week....errrr....oops 

A. complete
B. 205-215-225-235
C. 25-35-40

Awesome day in the gym! Good crowd and good vibe. It's always fun having Addison there. 

Touch and go snatches were super easy and crisp, these felt great. 

Back squats were really solid this week, 235 was not a problem for two reps. 

I really enjoyed the conditioning, burpee muscle ups were good today. I went through the first set of GHD sit ups pretty quickly but the second set was slower. I tried not to rest too much on the burpee muscle ups but on the last set I was starting to take longer breaks between the burpee and the muscle up. I subbed assault bike for the run since I'm trying to be careful about my knee before this weightlifting meet in two weeks. Overall happy with how I did on this. 

The assault bike/FW piece was cool, I tried to just stay moving and keep transitions short. 

Friday, June 10, 2016


4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull downs 
:60 single unders

4 sets complete 


30:00 assault bike @Z2, same time/pace as previous weeks

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow and controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Axle overhead walking lunge, build to a 15m max
C. 1-arm DB row, 3x4-5/side, 20x0- note pause @top this week, :60 between sides
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
unbroken bar muscle ups
10:00 @80%
5 strict pull ups
10 assault bike calories
:30 front leaning rest on rings

210 cals

A1. complete
A2. complete
B. 110
C. 55-60-65

Good day!

My AM session was the best it has ever been, I felt great the whole time and the 30 minutes flew by. Breathing was excellent and my legs weren't really that tired. This has definitely improved since I first started doing it a few months ago. 

The axle overhead lunges went better than expected, no knee pain on these this week. Last week I was struggling with 90# but this week I was able to get up to 110# for 15 meters. It was definitely tough, I lost my balance on my very last step and sort of lost control of the axle bar, but I was pretty much over the line at that point, I already had one foot over. So it counts? Eh? Ehhhh? I hope so. 

I was happy with my time on the bar muscle ups although if I did this again I could probably shave off about ten seconds. Unbroken sets are kind of a mind fuck, I wanted to rest long enough to make sure I didn't fail any reps but now I know I could have pushed the rest a little bit more. My goal was to do this under two minutes so I'm pretty pleased with this, for now. 

No issues on the 80% piece. Overall a really solid day of training. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016


10 sets:
500m row @2:08.0-2:08.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
A. Split jerk, 10:00 light tech/speed work, nothing over 135
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 12x3@1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-1-1, 20x1; 2:00 rest
3 sets for even times:
15 KB swings, 53
15 burpees w/2-hand touch to target 3-6" above standing reach
15 row calories
60 double unders
3:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


DNS- totally forgot this part
A. complete
B. complete @225#
C. 125-130-135-140
DNS- did not have enough time 

Rows were tough today, legs were smoked. 

I totally forgot the not for time stuff at the beginning of my PM session. Once I realized I accidentally skipped over it I was going to add it in at the end but then I didn't have enough time before I had to go coach. Oops. I usually don't forget things like that. 

Split jerks were super easy and crisp, 135 was light. I did these in knee sleeves and nanos. 

Clean-grip deadlifts were much better than last week since I wasn't exhausted from Murph. I am itching to try a new clean PR soon. 

Bench press was okay, although I am a bit disappointed I didn't end any heavier. I was hoping to end closer to 145/150 for the last rep but 140 was pretty slow on the way up. 

3 sets were fine, I thought I kept a pretty steady pace on this. I no-repped myself on a few burpees because my hands missed the target. I tripped up on my double unders during the first set but sets two and three were unbroken. My breathing/transitions were good but my legs were tired. 


A. 1 &1/4 front squat, 3-3-3-3; 2:30 rest
B. Weighted false-grip strict pull ups, 3x3-4, 21x1- no pause @top this week; 2:00 rest
C. Toes to bar, 7x5 unbroken, begin a set every :30
For time:
400m run
21 squat cleans, 85
15 squat cleans, 105
9 squat cleans, 125
Crossover Symmetry recovery

A. 165-175-185-195
B. BW-5-10(3)
C. complete
subbed .5 miles on assault bike instead of run

Front squats were good until the last set, 195 was tough today. 

Toes to bar are definitely getting better, these weren't bad at all. 

The workout was rough. I am still having some weird knee stuff and it mostly just gets aggravated when I run so I subbed assault bike instead. I went out a little too hot at first and Stephen had to tell me to slow it down (classic). The squat cleans felt terrible. My plan was to go 7/7/7 for 85, 5/5/5 for 105 and then singles for 125. I was able to do one set of seven at 85 and then had to switch to five, four, three, etc. I think I did a few sets of three at 105 and then singles after that. I did all singles for 125 and the last few reps felt like garbage (and I'm sure they looked like garbage too). I could tell my back was rounding. My lower back just blows up on workouts like this where I have to do a lot of light reps and I don't take a lot of time to properly set up. My time was way too slow on this and I was disappointed with how heavy the cleans felt. I should be better at things like this, I was having 16.2 flashbacks. This is the kind of stuff I need to be doing though, so keep it coming. 


Long, unplugged hike


Didn't have time for a hike today due to a CFC coaches meeting all morning. Will try again next week...

Monday, June 6, 2016


A. 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk, 5x1; :90 rest
AMRAP in 5:00
Strict handstand push ups
partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice

(Did the partner workout first)
17:36 w/Dave
A. 125-145-155-165-175
3 rounds:
20 alternating hammer curls, 25#
:30 leg raises
:30 rest
:30 hollow rocks 

Decided to do the partner workout first today because I wanted to partner up with Dave and also work out with Mary-Kate and Devin. This workout definitely got tough about halfway through. Pull ups and wall balls were unbroken every round. I was able to butterfly all the pull ups and they felt really fast. The only thing that really slowed down was the running. It was fun pairing up with Dave on this one! 

However, I will probably not do the workout first anymore because I felt like garbage during the rest of my session. Whoops. Lesson learned. Lifting was rough, my hands hurt from the pull ups so it was tough to grip the bar. The toughest part of the complex was the power clean, the hang clean and split jerk were easy but the clean from the ground got heavy. Ugh. I feel like I should be closer to 200 on a complex like this.

Strict handstand push ups felt terrible, my shoulders were fried. I think I did a set of 7 to start and then it went downhill from there. By the end I was doing 2-3 at a time with a LOT of rest between sets. This was rough. I should definitely be able to do more than 40 in five minutes. 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 4-6/side moderate DB upright rows, 31x1

A. Snatch pulls, 6x1 @175, begin a rep every :75
B. Back squat, 3-3-3-3, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict fat bar pull ups, 3-3-3, 21x0; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
7 muscle ups
14 glute-ham sit ups
70 double unders
3 rounds for time:
15 ski erg calories
20 row calories

complete w/25#

A. complete
B. 195-205-215-225
C. 20-25-35
2 rounds +23 double unders

Finally felt back to normal today. 

Snatch pulls were easy except my crappy tape tore right in the middle of two different pulls. That was annoying. 

Back squats were much better than last week. 

I enjoyed the pull ups on the fat bar, that was cool. I can tell doing more fat bar stuff will improve my grip strength. 

I definitely didn't perform how I wanted on the AMRAP. Muscle ups felt really hard today, first round was 5/2 then 3/2/2 for rounds two and three. I caught a few of them pretty low and strained to lock out the dip which hardly ever happens. I was also resting way too much between sets. I tried to stay moving on the GHD sit ups but those always make me dizzy. Double unders were unbroken each round. Meh. I should have gotten at least three rounds on this, not sure why my muscle ups were so off today. 

Ski erg/row cal workout was tough, I didn't think it would take me this long but once I started my goal became to get under 10:00. Ski erg slowed wayyyyy down on the second and third round, my arms were so fatigued and I had no pulling power. Ski erg is becoming one of my least favorite things. I thought I kept the row at a pretty good pace and I tried to keep transitions short between the two movements. I know this should have been closer to 9:00. 


4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull-downs 
:60 single unders

4 sets complete 


30:00 assault bike @Z2, same time/pace as previous weeks

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level, :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep, :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 10x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. 1-arm DB row, 3x5-6/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :60 between sides
D. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x8-10m unbroken; 2:00 rest
9:00 @90%
12 burpees
15 toes to bar
18 KB swings, 53
3 sets:
:30 front leaning rest on rings
:30 rest

211 cals

A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225#
C. 50-55-60
D. complete @90#

I FEEL LIKE GARBAGE. Today was so much worse than yesterday. I was even MORE sore and fatigued from Murph. 

Clean-grip deadlifts felt so heavy today. 

I kept the lunges at 90# today, I did 100# last week but my right knee has been a bit weird ever since Murph so I didn't want to push the weight too much. 

The nine minute workout was terrible, I slogged through this. My arms were still very tired and I could barely string together more than three toes to bar at a time. My body was just fatigued, like I wanted to just take a nap. Even the FLR on the rings were terrible, I could barely hold for thirty seconds! Murph, you roughed me up real bad. 

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