Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A. Squat snatch, 10:00 tech work from blocks (just below knees)
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 10-12, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x 18; :30 rest
C2. DB power row, 3 x 2-3/arm, 20X0; :10 between arms, :30
C3. Yoke carry, 3 x 10-15m moderate; :60 rest
3 sets:
:60 AirDyne @ 97%
6:00 rest

A. complete, worked up to 155
B. 30-35 (10)
C1. complete
C2. 65-70-75
C3. complete with 160# on yoke

Snatches felt great today. I worked up to 155 very quickly, didn't have any misses. I had about 1 minute left so I decided to just go for 165. I thought I had it but the SAME thing happened from two weeks ago, I caught it in the bottom and then just fell backwards and the bar went out in front. The pull felt great and I really thought I was going to get it but NOPE. I tried for it again and wasn't nearly as close, bar went out in front again. I'm getting frustrated because I have caught 165 in the bottom twice now and have failed the same way both times. I don't think I'm being aggressive enough with my arm turnover, I need to really punch my arms up and stay tight in the bottom. Argggg. I will get it soon. Overall though I'm really pleased with how fast the snatches were today. I forgot how hard split squats are, OUCH man. I was able to do 12 each leg with 30 pounds but only got 10 per leg with 35. A lot of the problem was my grip, my forearms were blowing up while I was holding on to the DB. Ring push ups felt super easy. Yoke was a little off at first, I kept getting underneath it too far to one side so it was unbalanced for the first two sets but third set was fine. First two airdyne sprints went well but dropped off a bit on the third. SI Joint is feeling decent, a little sore after today. 


60:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 10:00 for 2 easy rounds of CTB "Cindy"


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