Saturday, May 31, 2014


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean clusters, 7 x 1.1 tough; :10 rest between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 215; begin a set every :20
C1. Push press, 3 x 4-5; :10 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 3 x 15; 2:00 rest
4 sets:
10m handstand walk
12 glute-ham sit-ups
rest as needed


A. 145-155-165-175-180-185-190
B. complete
C1. 110-115-125
C2. 15, 15, 10/5

Solid day of training. The squat cleans felt really good, I got up to 190 pretty easily, I think I could have gone heavier on the last set. Clean-grip deadlifts were good, the weight was a lot lighter than last week which was probably good since last weekend I was having that pain when I was deadlifting. Also I think I might be able to actually clean 215 relatively soon, the weight felt pretty light. I should have gone heavier on the push press, and CTB pull ups were good but made me surprisingly out of breath. I did the first two sets 15 unbroken and then broke them up 10/5 on the third set. Happy that these are coming along. 


A. Split jerk clusters from blocks, 6 x 1.1.1 @ 80-90% 1RM; :10 rest between singles, begin a cluster every 2:00

4 sets:
5 muscle-ups, open each set w/max unbroken, go for it and see what happens
16 front rack kettllebell walking lunges, 35/hand
400m run @ 90% aerobic
4:00 rest
4 sets:
:18 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
2:42 rest

A. 165-165-170-170-175-180
3:45- MUs 5 unbroken (PR+1)
4:10- MUs 5 unbroken
5:20- MUs 3/2
5:13- MUs 2/2/1
complete with 90# on prowler

Wow, today was awesome! I am so excited about my two sets of 5 unbroken muscle ups (video). My muscle ups have been feelings really good lately, I am really happy about the progress I am starting to make on those. I actually really like the MU/lunge/run combo, I just wish I was better at running. The muscle ups and lunges weren't bad at all, it was just the run that would kick my ass every time. Plus it was pretty humid which made it hard to catch my breath. But when it comes down to it, I am just a terrible runner. The prowler sprints sucked but weren't horrible. 

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