Thursday, July 11, 2013


A1. Shoulder press, build to a max
A2. Weighted pull-up, build to a max
For time:
30 muscle-ups

A1. 100 (PR+5)
A2. 55 (PR+2)
23:07 (PR because I actually finished) 

Today was the only day of testing that I was not looking forward to (besides 300 FY). I was pretty nervous about the 30 muscle ups since I hadn't done any muscle ups since before regionals. The shoulder press was alright, I wish I had gotten at least 105 but I am not great at strict press. I was happy with the weighted pull up, it was a struggle though. Then came the muscle ups, and I was surprised at how good those felt. I was not able to string any together, I did the first one and knew it was going to be all singles. At first I basically tried to go every 30 seconds-ish. After 10 minutes I had done 15 MUs and I was really pleased with that. Around the 20th MU, they started getting pretty hard. The last five were tough and I had one or two reps that was a struggle to push out of the dip, but I never failed a single muscle up and I am very happy about that. I also had no bicep or forearm pain. I'm really pleased with how this went because last time I did 30 muscle ups for time (some time back in December) there was a 20:00 time cap on it, and I only got 19 MUs before the time cap ran out. And this time, I had finished 15 MUs in only 10 minutes. Pretty cool. Now I need to start working on a) doing them without a false grip and b) stringing them together. But overall I was really happy with how this went. Only one day of testing left!

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