Thursday, December 11, 2014


3 sets:
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
300m ski erg @90% aerobic
2:00 rest

A. Split jerk from blocks, 10:00 tech/speed work, you pick the weights
B. Power clean, build very quickly to a heavy single for the day
C. Power clean, 15x1 @90% of B, begin a rep every :20
3 sets:
30 double unders
10 KB swings, 53
10 burpees
3:00 rest
10:00 airdyne increasing effort every 2:00 so that last 2:00 is 85-90% 


A. complete
B. 195
C. complete @175
2 rounds

AM session went well, breathing was a little harder on the run this week so I slowed the pace down a bit. Breathing on rowing and ski erg felt better than last week, but I still feel very awkward when I'm on the ski erg. But then again, is it the ski erg that's awkward? 

Split jerks were good today, worked up to an easy 165. I focused on punching under the bar and just being more aggressive on the lift in general. 

I feel like my power cleans are getting worse. I definitely do not have the same confidence on these as I used to, I'm not sure why. Everything up to 175 was very easy, then I caught 185 VERY low on my chest, that hardly ever happens. I went up to 195 and caught it much higher on the chest but caught it right at parallel. I don't think I have ever had to receive a power clean that low before. I'm not really sure what's going on, the pull off the ground on 185 and 195 felt extremely heavy. The cleans at 175 were shockingly heavy, it was actually bumming me out. 175 is usually nothing, I can do that touch and go 5 times! Today it felt very heavy and I just wasn't being aggressive on the pull off my thighs. Some reps were good, some were bad. I can't believe I actually prefer squatting to power cleaning now. I'm hoping this is just a weird rut, I just need to get more aggressive on these. 

The 3:00 piece went well, I got 2 rounds each time. My transition probably could have been faster between double unders and KB. I tripped up once on double unders during the first set but then they were all unbroken after that. I was breathing pretty hard on this. Burpees felt a bit slow today but tried to just stay moving. When I do these types of workouts I try to imagine it as an open workout. 

Airdyne was good, I think I'm getting better at mentally pushing myself on this.

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