Wednesday, May 20, 2015


10:00 synchro deadlift & CTB work w/Conner
A. Snatch, 1-1-1 @opener on :60 clock w/run in start; 2:00 rest
B. Handstand walk, 3x40' w/step up to mats @30'; 2:00 rest
For time:
650m run hard
40 wall balls, 14 to 10'
12:00 airdyne @Z1

A. 145-145-145, no misses
B. complete

Synchro work with Conner was much better today, at first it was still awkward getting the hang of the deadlifts and syncing up our kip on the first pull up but it got better the more we practiced. When we first started doing the deadlifts I was still rushing the drop, I wasn't waiting for him to say "down" and our bar was still doing a worm motion. After a few sets it got better, by our fifth set our deadlifts were pretty good. I just have to be patient at the top of the deadlift since I reach full extension before he does, I need to wait for him to say "down" before I move. Our pull ups started off a little rough, we were having trouble syncing up the very first swing. We decided Conner is going to take the lead on the deadlifts and I'm going to take the lead on the pull ups. He would lift me up and then jump up to the bar, we would both hang there for a second and then I would start the swing, which seems to be a good plan for us. We're just going to have to practice this a few more times but I know we'll get it! Conner is a good partner and was really patient with me when I kept fucking up the deadlifts, thanks buddy. Sorry I'm so short and impatient. 

Snatches went well today, I kept them all at 145 and had no misses. I had a bar with zero spin so the turnover wasn't as smooth as usual but I still managed to hit it every time. On the last set I hit 145 then tried to jump quickly to 150 but I basically just pulled it off the ground, I had no energy for it. Stephen said I won't be going for a heavier attempt anyways so I don't have to worry about it. 

Handstand walks felt slow today, and walking over the mat was very awkward. I felt like I had to approach the mat very slowly or else I would topple over once I was on top of it. It got better by the third set but I'm still going to need to work on this. 

Run workout was okay, I did the run in 2:30 and the wall balls took 2:00. I think the run could still be a bit faster. I was hoping to do the wall balls unbroken but ehhhhh nope. I broke them up 22/18. I rested too long during the break though. This whole workout just needs to be faster. 

I need to start eating a much bigger breakfast on Tuesdays, since I'm training at 11:30 on Tuesdays from now on I need to go into training with more fuel. I was really low on energy today, I felt like shit during the snatches and the handstand walk. Lesson learned. 

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