Thursday, May 7, 2015


4500m row very easy



8 sets:
500m row @90% aerobic
1/side weighted pistol, start very light and add a little/set if possible
2:00 walk rest

A. Power snatch, build quickly to a tough single
3 rounds for time:
10m handstand walk
10 axle deadlifts, 130
200m run
3 sets @100%
5 hang power snatch, 75
5 bar facing burpees
:20 airdyne
5:00 rest

2:01.4 (10#)
2:01.4 (15#)
2:01.5 (20#)
2:01.2 (25#)
2:01.1 (35#)
2:01.5 (40#)
2:01.4 (45#)
2:01.1 (50#)

A. 150 (PR+5)

AM session felt a lot better than last week. I took my rower outside and it was much easier to breathe outside instead of being inside the gym. Pistols were slightly more difficult today but that was due to lack of warm up. Lesson learned. 50 pounds is definitely the heaviest weighted pistol I've done so far. My breathing was a lot better on the rows and they were way more consistent this week. 

I am VERY EXCITED about the power snatch PR! I don't think I've hit a PR since December. I know training is not just about always hitting PRs but it was still cool. 150 was extremely easy, here is the video. I went for 155 and got it halfway up but I knew right from the pull I wasn't going to lift it, it felt pretty heavy. I think in another month or two I would be able to hit 155 though. 

The handstand walk workout was probably as good as it could have been, I don't think I could have gone much faster. Handstand walk was unbroken all three rounds which is good. Deadlifts were easy and unbroken. Run was tougher than it should have been, my breathing was horrible. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the fact that I was trying to keep my mouth closed so I wouldn't swallow 1000 bugs. 

I enjoyed the three sets at 100%. The hang snatches and burpees were very easy, it was the airdyne that was the killer. My legs were really tired at this point, it was hard to hang on during the last set. 

Overall a solid day of work. 


A. 1 power clean + 2 hang squat cleans + 1 front squat + 2 shoulder to overheads, build to a tough set
For 8:00
evens- 1 legless rope climb to 12'
odds- 12 wall balls, 14 to 10'
For 8:00
evens- 3-5 strict handstand push ups
odds- 4 box jump overs, 30"
5-4-3-2-1 for time:
bar muscle ups
30 unbroken double unders after each set

A. 175
5 HSPU each set
bar MUs unbroken

Mehhhhhh. I wasn't thrilled about where I ended up on the complex, I thought I would be around 180. 165 felt really easy, but once I started on 175 I was sloppy with my set up on the hang squat cleans. The shoulder to overhead were also shaky so Stephen told me to call it at 175. I definitely need to improve on longer complexes like this.

Legless rope climbs are so easy now! Once I started using the bicycle kick instead of kipping, it got so much easier and faster. Now I just need to work on actually touching the top. 

Strict handstand push ups were tougher than usual today. I was still able to get 5 every time but the last 2 reps were always a bit of a struggle. The 30" box wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, once I got over the initial fear of jumping up there it was actually pretty easy. 

I think the bar muscle up workout should have been much faster. I did all bar MUs unbroken and never tripped up on the double unders but I was resting too long before each set of MUs. Hands felt very raw by this point and it was getting difficult to hang on to the bar and get a large kip before each muscle up. 

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