Monday, June 30, 2014


For time:
12 squat clean thrusters, 135
18 stone-over-shoulders, 95
24 burpee toes-to-bar
5:00 rest
For time:
50m handstand walk 
30 tire flips, the one that's inside
10 rope climbs
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete with 105 on sled

Mehhhhh. The first piece went pretty well, squat clean thrusters felt pretty good, I finished those in about 2:15. The stone to shoulder took me longer than it should have, I was probably resting just a bit too long between reps. The burpee TTB were steady the entire time. The second piece....errrrrr......sorry Stephen. The handstand walk and tire flip were actually done relatively quickly. But then I got to the rope and I just took a shit. I was basically doing one every minute. The second piece is always so much harder since I'm fatigued from the first part and the 5:00 rest goes very quickly. I need to get my shit together on rope climbs. I have gotten so much slower and I just stand there and look at the rope. The second part took me way too long. I should be able to knock out 10 rope climbs in at least 5:00. Ugh. The sled drag actually felt pretty good, this is getting easier and more tolerable for sure. 


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a max
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 225; begin a set every :20
C1. Push press, 5 x 1-2; :10 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 5 x 11; 2:00 rest
D. Side planks, 3 x :30/side; :30 rest between sides


A. 185
B. complete
C1. 125-135-145-155-165(1)
C2. complete, unbroken except for last set which was 7/4

Very disappointed with the squat clean max. I sort of figured I wouldn't be able to get very high on this since I've been having that pain in my butt/lower back again. It's so frustrating. Once I get to a certain weight it hurts to drop underneath the bar. I worked up to 185 with minimal discomfort but as soon as I went for 195 I think I freaked out and couldn't bring myself to pull myself under the bar because I knew it would hurt. So I just stopped at 185. I am hoping that this pain goes away with more mobility but I might have to go see someone about it if it does not improve. I was happy with the push press, I think 165 might be a PR but I'm not sure. Butterfly CTB felt really good, those are getting easier. 


6 sets:
2 tough touch-and-go push jerks
5 muscle-ups
12 front rack walking, 120
300m run
3:00 rest
4 sets:
:30 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
4:00 rest

3:45, MUs 5 unbroken, 135# PJ
4:07, MUs 5 unbroken, 145#
4:37, MUs 5 unbroken, 155#
4:42, MUs 5 unbroken, 160#
5:12, MUs 5 unbroken, 165#
8:12, MUs 2/2/1, 165#
complete with 90# on prowler

My muscle ups are feeling so much easier lately, I was really happy that I was able to string 5 together for 5 out of 6 rounds. Now I just need to learn how to breathe during longer sets of MUs, I would come off the rings so winded every time. The running also killed me, as per usual. By the 6th round I was pretty dead, hence my poor time. I just felt like I had no energy left and couldn't catch my breath. Really happy with how my MUs are coming along though. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014


For 45:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Hang power clean, build to a 7RM
B. Double overhand axle deadlift, 3-3-3-3-3 touch-and-go; 2:30 rest
C. Burpees w/touch to 6" target, 12 x 8 @ :04/pace; begin a set every :60
Not for time:
20 moderate reverse hypers
20 hollow rocks (forward & back = 1)
15 tougher reverse hypers
15 hollow rocks
10 tougher reverse hypers
10 hollow rocks


A. 155 (160 for 6, failed the 7th rep)
B. 110-130-140-145-150
C. complete

Solid day. I was happy with the 7RM hang clean BUT I was a little frustrated that I didn't get 160 for 7.  I got it for 6 reps and then failed the 7th. The first four reps felt really easy and then they started to get more difficult, I think I could definitely get it it next time though. I feel like hang cleans are almost becoming easier to me than regular power cleans. Axle deadlifts are definitely getting easier, so are the burpees. My breathing is good on the burpees and I'm getting much better at keeping a steady rhythm/pace the whole time. Very happy with my progress on this. Also tried to get some strict MUs today and was not successful, argggg. That shit is hard.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch gauntlet, 1 rep every :60 starting @ 85 and adding 10 every :60
B. Back squat, 3-2-1, 20X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 1-1-1-1-1-1 tough, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 6 x 2-3, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Knees-to-elbows, 6 x 11 unbroken; 2:00 rest


A. 155 (165 Fx2)
B. 225-235-240
C1. 105-115-125-135-145-150(F)
C2. 105-115-125-135-145-150(2)
C3. complete

Snatch gauntlet was fun, I did better than I expected. I didn't really think I would hit 155 since gauntlets can be pretty fatiguing but 155 actually went up very easily. I went for 165 twice and it felt extremely heavy, I only pulled it to my waist. Meh. I think maybe if I went for 160 I might have been able to get it. Hopefully I will be able to hit 160 again soon and maybe 165! Exciting. Back squats sucked today, they felt so effing heavy. I barely stood up with 240, what the heckkkk. Not sure why those were so difficult today. Bench is getting better, I got 145 which ties my PR from last week, failed 150. KTE were feeling good today. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 4-3-2, 20X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 1-1-1-1-1, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Axle Pendlay row, 5 x 2-3, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Knees-to-elbows, 5 x 12 unbroken; 2:00 rest


A. 155 (160 Fx3)
B. 215-225-235
C1. 105-115-125-135-145 (PR+5)
C2. 100-120-130-140-145
C3. complete

So today was cool but for some reason mentally I felt like I wasn't focused. The snatch max went well, I wasn't sure how it would go since I haven't really snatched from the ground for a few weeks. I gave myself 20:00 to build up to the max (Stephen would be proud) and I hit 155 in about 15:00. I was pretty excited about that, 155 is the most I have snatched from the ground. I hit 160 last week but that was from the blocks. Before today, 145 was the most I had pulled from the ground so I was pretty happy, and I got it on the first try! I had a few minutes left so I went for 160, I failed it three times. Blah. The first and third attempt were pretty close but I called it, I was getting tired and didn't want to go too far past the time limit. I think it will happen next time though. I was excited about the 155 but also sort of disappointed, I really wanted to hit 160. And then I was wondering WHY I was so disappointed because my snatches have come a long way and it's pretty cool that I can hit 155 on one try. But I couldn't shake the feeling of being annoyed that didn't get more. I also hit a PR on my bench, 5 pounds. That was cool. Knees to elbow felt super easy. I was just sort of out it today and it felt like my head was not really in my training. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch from blocks (mid-shins), build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 5-4-3, 20X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 2-2-1-1-1, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 5 x 2-3, 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Toes-to-bar, 5 x 12 unbroken; 2:00 rest


A. 160 (PR+15)
B. 205-215-225
C1. 105-115-125-135-140
C2. 105-115-125-135-140
C3. complete

Holy shit! I snatched 160! I was not expecting that at all. Stephen told me I had about 25 minutes to work up to the max snatch, I wanted him to put a time limit on it since I've been taking wayyyy too long on this the past few weeks. I worked up to 145 relatively quickly, then went for 150 and failed it. I got it on the second attempt. I still had about 3 minutes so Stephen told me to go for 155. I failed the first attempt, got it on the second. My time had run out but 155 felt really easy so Megan and Heather convinced me to go for 160. I failed the first attempt, I fell forward in the bottom. But I got it on the second try! Woohoo! I am so happy! (Here is the video) I never though I would snatch 160 this early in the year. I'm excited to see where I can go. I think 175 will be my new goal for 2014. 

Monday, June 9, 2014


For time @ 95% effort:
5 squat clean thrusters, 135
10 stone-over-shoulder, 95
15 burpee toes-to-bar
5:00 rest
3 rounds @ 95% effort:
5 wall walks
200m sandbag run, 60
800m sled drag @ 90, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout


Holy shit. I felt terrible today. I know it was fatigue from 8 hours of driving the day before combined with not eating enough food and not getting enough water. I felt so shitty. The first piece wasn't too bad, squat clean thrusters were one at a time but I tried to just pick up the bar right away. I probably rested too much between each stone to shoulder. Burpee toes to bar were kind of cool, I had never done those before. The wall walk/sandbag run piece felt terrible. My breathing was bad and I felt like I was going to throw up on every run. WHAT the heck. The workout wasn't even that bad, I was just so tired from the day before. The best part of the day was actually the sled drag. Whaaa? Yes. 90 pounds felt like a dream! I was able to keep moving steadily the entire time and my breathing was actually pretty good during that. I wish every sled drag could be 90 pounds. But I learned my lesson, I am never driving that much in one day ever again. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


A. Split jerk from blocks gauntlet, 1 rep every :60 starting @ 125 and adding 10 every :60
7 sets:
3 unbroken muscle-ups
10 front rack axle walking lunge steps, 100
200m run @ 90% aerobic
2:30 rest
4 sets:
:21 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
3:09 rest

A. 215 (PR+10)
MUs unbroken every time
complete with 90# on prowler

Wow, what a day! I am so psyched about my split jerk PR, I definitely did not think I would hit 215 today. I thought I would get up to 205 at the most. Everything felt really good up until 215, I failed the first attempt. Stephen let me rest a few minutes and then I tried it again and got it! It felt like I almost pressed it out a bit but I watched the video and it looked better than I thought. The muscle up workout was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I was breathing pretty heavy the entire time. Stringing together muscle ups still tires me out aerobically, it's not even really muscle fatigue that gets me anymore, it's just breathing. The lunges were tough but not too bad. I was still sucking a lot of wind on the runs but thankfully they were only 200 meters instead of 400 which was nice. Muscle ups were unbroken sets of 3 every time, that was cool. Prowler sprints were tiring as usual but I would still take that over a sled drag any day.  


For 40:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog

A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 2RM
AMRAP in 8:00:
30 axle deadlifts, 200
max burpees w/jump to 6" target in remaining time
Not for time:
20 moderate reverse hypers
:45 FLR on rings
15 tougher reverse hypers
:45 FLR on rings
10 tougher reverse hypers
:45 FLR on rings


A. 190
57 burpees, deadlifts complete in 2:53

Today was a good day. I was really happy with the 2RM power clean, I was really only expecting to get up to 180 at the most. 190 was pretty tough, I went for 195 but it was basically just a pull. The deadlift/burpee workout was fun. I went into it thinking I would be able to break up the deadlifts in sets of 5 but that went downhill after the 10th rep. By the end I was doing them in sets of 2, it was a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I had 5:00 to do the burpees. My legs were pretty worn out, I guess from the deadlifts? I'm not sure why they were so tired, but I knew I wasn't moving quite fast enough on the burpees. I was just trying to stay steady the whole time. With 1 minute left I had done 41 burpees and then Stephen said "get 15 burpees in the last minute" so I just shut my mind off and went. I was able to get 16 in the last minute and I was really happy about that, my lungs actually didn't feel terrible until the last few reps, it was mostly my legs that felt like shit. But overall I'm very pleased with my performance on this. I can tell I'm getting much better at just sucking it up and staying moving. 


45:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. Squat snatch from blocks (just below knees), build quickly to a max
B. Back squat, 2-2-1-1, 30X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 3-2-2-1-1, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 5 x 3-4 20X0; :60 rest
C3. Toes-to-bar, 5 x 11 unbroken; 2:00 rest


A. 145 (150 Fx3)
B. 205-225-235-245
C1. 110-115-120-125-135
C2. 110-115-120-125-135
C3. complete

I JUST WANT TO SNATCH 150. AHHHH. This is the second week in a row that I have easily worked up to 145 off the blocks and then failed 150 three times. I thought I had it on the first try, I caught it in the bottom but my arms were way too bent so I couldn't stand it up. The second try I fell forward and then the third try was basically a pull, I was too fatigued by that point. It's frustrating but I'm also happy that I'm able to consistently hit 140/145 off the blocks. That's pretty cool. I was also happy with the back squat because I didn't really feel that pain I was having last week. I could feel it a little on 235/245 but it wasn't too bad. Meh. Toes to bar are much better as well. 

Monday, June 2, 2014


For time @ 95% effort:
10 thrusters, 135
10 rope climbs
10 wall walks
5:00 rest
For time @ 95% effort:
200m sandbag carry, 60
10 burpee bar muscle-ups
100m Farmer's walk, 75/hand
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete @105

Ehhhh. Today was pretty tiring. I really enjoyed both pieces, I still think they took me too long. For some reason I thought I would be able to do the thrusters in sets of 2.....da fuck? Why I thought that, I have no idea. I did them all singles, it took me about 2:00. Those were fun though, I really like heavy thrusters. The rope climbs.....errrrrrr. I thought I was resting less between each climb but it still took me around 8:00 to do them. My technique going up is getting back to where it was but it's coming down that uses all my energy. I tried to do the wall walks as fast as possible but my shoulders were pretty tired by this point. The second piece wasn't as tough, although I wasn't sure if I was supposed to walk or run with the sandbag so I sort of did a half walk/trot. I didn't fail any burpee bar muscle ups, although it was a little awkward having to do the burpee then climbing up on the box and then doing the bar muscle up, I wish I was tall enough to just jump directly to the bar. The farmers carry was probably the worst part, I was using dumbbells and those things are very hard to carry. I had to set them down every 25 meters which wasted a lot of time. By the time I got to the sled drag I was pretty wiped, and it felt like it weighed 700 pounds. I stopped way more than I should have. I just read over this entire post and I feel like it looks as if I'm complaining a lot. But in reality I really enjoyed both workouts, I just wish I had done better on them. 

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