Friday, February 5, 2016


30:00 bike @Z1

lots of mobility 


6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. 1 squat snatch + 2 overhead squats, 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, 2-2-1-1-1 @105-110%, snatch 1RM, 31x1, 2:00 rest
7 rounds even:
7 handstand push ups
7 KB swings, 53
7 ski erg calories
:60 rest
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1

6 sets complete
subbed :60 bike for double unders/single unders

A. 105-115-125-135-150
B. 175-175-180-180-180

Right knee was feeling kind of sore today after all the squatting yesterday so I subbed in :60 airdyne instead of the double unders/single unders. I need to make an appointment with Balza so he can work out some knots in my knee and shoulder.

Snatches were definitely rough today, I was still pretty sore and tired. I was slow under the bar and wasn't being aggressive on anything. I didn't have any fails until my first attempt at 150, I caught it in the bottom and then basically just dumped it forward because I got lazy. I tried again and hit it on the second attempt but the overhead squats were tough. Oh well. I felt slow and fatigued but I was happy to at least hit 150, when I was warming up I didn't think I would be able to snatch anything over 135 today. 

Snatch-grip deadlifts were easy. 

I enjoyed the seven sets, these started out really well but got tough by the last two sets. Handstand push ups were all unbroken and very easy, same with KB. The ski erg is what made it difficult in the end. My lower back was also blown up after this was over, I guess from the kettlebell? I have no idea.


5 sets of:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest

A. Back squat, 2-2-1-1, build to a heavy (not max) single
AMRAP in 4:00
Strict pull ups, must return to dead hang each rep even if doing singles
Every :60 for 10 sets:
10 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 9'
2000m row @Z1


A. 245-255-265-270
36 @146 BW 

Today was pretty good! I was sort of hoping for a back squat PR today since back squats have been going so well lately, but as soon as I started warming up I knew it wasn't the day for a 285 back squat. My legs were still so sore and tired from the competition. 245 and 255 went up pretty easily but 265 was tough for a single. I went to 270 and it was definitely hard. I was bummed but I knew going in there would be a strong possibility my squats would feel like shit today. NAILED IT. I'll get it next week. 

The strict pull ups were okay, I guess 36 is a decent score? Meh. I could do better. I opened with a set of 8 (classic) then went down to sets of 4, then 2-3, then singles by the end. I was trying not to take TOO much rest between sets but there definitely came a point when I had to rest for a bit so I didn't fail any. I feel like I should be able to get at least 40 on this, ten strict pull ups every minute doesn't seem out of reach. 

The wall balls were SO EASY. OMG. GUYS, THE 9 FOOT TARGET IS SO LOW. This was a real treat, thanks Stephen. I did 100 wall balls and I didn't even feel tired at the end. 

Cool-down row was great, my rowing is getting back to where it used to be. Huzzah! 


5000m row @Z1, off every 1000m for 10 burpees

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean, build quickly to a single @80-90% 1RM
5 rounds:
3:00 assault bike @high aerobic effort
3:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
8-12 revere hypers
:30/side plank
2:30 anterior loaded banded march (bear hug a med ball @chest)


A. complete
B. 185

I was still really fatigued from the Barbell Blitz. My Z1 session was agonizing, it took me a long time to amp myself up to do a burpee because everything is so sore. 

Power clean was fine, definitely better than Friday. 

Assault bike was actually tougher than I thought it would be, three minutes goes real slow on that thing. 

I was extremely tired today. It was my first day coaching at the new gym, it's always exhausting starting a new job and getting used to a new schedule. I'm definitely excited though, this new gym is going to be awesome. 


Long, unplugged hike or easy 30:00-60:00 bike

DNS, exhausted from comp so slept in 

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