Wednesday, April 24, 2013


On the min for 20 min
Odd- 5 deadlift 205#
Even- 10 kipping hspu (did them in sets of 6-7)
15 min amrap @85%
Row 350m
10 kbs (1.5 pood)
5 burpees
30 double unders


Good day today. The first part was awesome, all deadlifts were easy touch and go and felt great. My handstand push ups have also gotten a lot faster and more efficient. I was doing them in sets of 6-7 each time, and I felt like I was able to pop out of the bottom of the handstand pretty quickly. The second part was good too, I think doing the 85% stuff helps me work on my engine and breathing. My rower kept shutting off during my last round which was annoying. But overall a really good training day. 

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