Monday, December 30, 2013

Looking back on 2013

As 2013 comes to an end, I wanted to reflect on everything that has happened over the past year. This year has been full of changes, competitions, and self-improvement. I learned about myself as an athlete and a person, so here are some of my highlights of 2013:

Highlights from 2013:

1. Seeing my dad make it back to the CrossFit Games
This was without a doubt the highlight of my year. My dad made it to the Games in 2011 but did not make it back in 2012. We still attended the 2012 Games to cheer on Amy Mandelbaum and Glenn Waters, and that's when my dad decided he would be out there next year, no matter what. He spent the next 8 months training very hard, eating clean, and working with one goal in mind: make it back to the Games. Once the Open came around, he went in guns blazing. He repeated most of the workouts and pushed himself to the limit. His hard work was rewarded when he secured the 10th spot in the world for the 50-54 age division and was officially heading back to the Games. With the coaching and programming of Stephen Flamm, he increased his training even more to prepare for July. When the Games rolled around, he was ready. Seeing him compete in the Games again was both stressful and rewarding. I wanted my dad to do well and to be happy with how he performed in the workouts. I also didn't want a repeat of the bloody skull incident of 2011. Overall he got 15th place for the 50-54 master's division. He gave it his all on every single workout, and it made me extremely proud to watch him compete knowing how hard he had worked to get there.

2. OPT Athlete Camp
I already dedicated an entire blog post to this event so I won't write too much more about it, but this was one of the best weekends of the year for me. James Fitzgerald, aka OPT, came to CSC and put on a weekend athlete camp. He put us through two workouts a day and also gave lectures about everything we could possibly want to learn. The man is a genius, and we were hanging on every word. I learned so much about myself as an athlete. The time we spent with him was so valuable and beneficial and I am glad I was a part of it. I also got to sit next to him during lunch and found out that we both watch Breaking Bad, therefore securing us as best friends forever.

3. Deciding to switch to individual programming
This is one of the most important and best decisions I made this year. When I first came to CSC my programming was all over the place. First I was doing a mixture of being and whatever the hell I wanted, then in the fall I switched over to SHE, then in the winter I switched to Will, then when regionals came around we were doing a hybrid of Will and things Stephen programmed. I was never on a steady program for more than a few months and it wasn't benefiting me because all those programs are designed for different goals. After regionals was over, I knew I wanted to do my own program. I wanted something that would force me to work on my weaknesses but also incorporate strength. My goals had also changed. Instead of having a specific goal like making it to regionals, my goal was just to become a better overall athlete. I talked to Stephen and he agreed to write my programming. So far I am 5 months in and I can't even explain how awesome it is. Stephen knows my weaknesses and strengths and writes a program specifically for me to help me improve but still maintain my strength. My snatch went from 115 to 145. My clean is now at 200 pounds. I am also better at rowing, wall ball, rope climbs, and longer workouts. I have been able to maintain my strength while getting better at the aerobic stuff, and that is all thanks to Stephen. He puts a lot of work into the programming, and he is very good at it. I feel like I don't thank him enough for all he has done, so Stephen if you're reading this, thank you! Thank you for taking the time to help me improve, answering all my questions and making training fun.  

4. Meeting Lindsey Valenzuela
I already dedicated a blog post to this as well,, but I obviously had to include it on the list. My dad surprised me and set up a one-on-one olympic lifting session with Lindsey Valenzuela when she was in town. She helped me improve my snatch technique and it was one of the coolest experiences ever. I learned so much from her in just one hour and it was great getting to meet her. I will never forget it!

5. Gobblers and Gobblettes Competition with Jeff
Jeff and I participated in the Gobblers and Gobblettes competition at CrossFit Covington in November. I can honestly say it was the most fun I have ever had during a competition. I have done team competitions before but this was my first partner comp, and I could not have asked for a better partner. Jeff and I had so much fun together, and we also worked really well as a pair. We were able to communicate really well during all the workouts, and our strengths and weaknesses balanced out. I never felt like he was getting frustrated with me or that he was having to pick up slack. He was so laid back and relaxed about everything, he made it easy for me to just have fun. This competition was also cool because a bunch of other people from CSC participated, so it was awesome getting to compete alongside all my friends.

6. Getting a training job at CrossFit Lebanon
This is one of the more unexpected things to happen this year. In early November my dad suggested I email a few CrossFit gyms in the area and see if any of them needed trainers. Mark Messer from CrossFit Lebanon agreed to meet with me to discuss a training job, and before I knew it, I had taken over the 5:30 AM class Monday-Friday. I cannot thank Mark enough for taking a chance on me and giving me this job. I love training at CF Lebanon. It makes me really happy to get to help people progress in the sport that I love so much. My 5:30 AM regulars (Brian, Ryan, Amber, Jason) you guys are awesome and it has been great getting to train with you every morning. I am excited to continue to meet new people and to continue my journey with CrossFit Lebanon!

This year was also about taking a step back and taking a look at myself and my goals. I learned a lot about myself and about how I want to develop as an athlete and a person, so I thought I would share a few important things I learned this year.

Things I learned in 2013:

1. Remember to look at the big picture sometimes
It is easy to forget how much we have improved over time. Instead, we tend to look at things from a “week to week” basis, or at least I do. If Stephen programs unbroken muscle ups and I string them together every time, then the next week I only string half of them together, it’s easy for me think “I suck. Last week I was doing muscle ups so well and this week they are terrible. I am getting worse”. Stephen usually has to talk me off the ledge and remind me that a few months ago, I couldn’t even string muscle ups together. And then I go “oh yeah, I guess I have improved” and then all is well. But my point is, it’s easy for us to forget how much we have improved in the last month, the last six months, and even the last year. While it is important to always be improving day to day and week to week, sometimes we have to take a step back and remember how far we have come and appreciate all the hard work we have put in to get us to the point we are today.

2. Learn to celebrate the success of others
I know that as CrossFitters we have a competitive nature that drives us, but I believe that we should be excited when someone sets a PR, not jealous or angry. I used to be guilty of this, but then I realized that getting pissed off when someone snatches more than me doesn’t help my snatch improve, so why not just be excited for that person instead? We are competitors but we are also a community. We should lift each other up, not tear each other down. If your clean and jerk is 170 and then another girl in the gym clean and jerks 180, your first thought shouldn’t be “well fuck, what the hell, she just clean and jerked 180, that’s 10 more than MY clean and jerk, ugh, I should be lifting those kinds of numbers, not her” your first thought should be “WOW, that is great. I am so excited for her, I can’t wait until I get there” because getting angry at someone else’s PR isn’t going to add any weight to your numbers, so why get angry about it? There is a difference between being challenged/ wanting to do better, and getting pissed every time someone lifts more than you. We all work hard and we should be happy for one another when a milestone is reached.

3. Don’t forget to have fun
This sounds really cheesy, but this is probably the biggest thing I learned this year. I used to be so obsessed with how I compared to other people that for awhile I lost sight of why I started doing CrossFit and why I continue to do it-because it’s fucking awesome and fun as shit. I don’t know about you, but I have a fucking blast in the gym (except on row sprint Wednesdays, just kidding). I mean, I’m in a gym with all my friends doing olympic lifting and climbing ropes and we are all improving and competing and getting better together. That is so fun. I believe training should be enjoyed. If you come to the gym and you’re miserable the entire time then maybe you should re-evaluate some things. But I don’t know how it’s possible NOT to have fun at CSC because it’s just a great place to be. The people are awesome. The dance parties are continuous. Work hard and have fun, that’s all I’m saying.

If you made it all the way to the end of this post, then props to you. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on 2013. It really has been an awesome year and I am looking forward to what 2014 will bring. Onward!

Sunday, December 29, 2013


10:00 Z1 mixed warm-up of AirDyne, row, ski erg, and handstand walk practice, keep it easy and stay moving
10:00 @ 90% of [1 rope climb + 15m heavy bag carry + AMRAP handstand push-ups + 15m heavy bag carry]
3 sets for even times:
400m run
500m row
3:00 rest

complete with 80# bag

also did some axle work, got up to 128 and cleaned it a few times to get a feel for how it's going to go during the competition

Felt really good today, I think all the bad shit is out of my system. Rope climbs were fast, I would have liked to get more HSPU each round but my arms were pretty sore today so I wasn't doing very well on those. The bag carry was cool, although I don't know how I'm going to run with an 80 pound bag in the competition in two weeks. Yikes. I'm happy with how the run/row workout went, I tried to keep an easy pace on the run and then pick it up on the row. I was happy that the first two sets were the exact same, I lost it a little on the last set because I rested too much between the run and the row. Also worked with the axle a bit to get a feel for how the 130 pound axle clean/hold is going to go at the GLI. 

Friday, December 27, 2013


A. Squat snatch, build to a max in 15:00
3 sets for even times, change movement order every set:
3 bar muscle-ups
9 clean-grip deadlifts, 185
15 toes-to-bar
21 wall balls, 20 to 10'
60 double-unders
5:00 rest

A. 130
3 bar MUS
15 TTB
21 WB
60 DU

60 DU
21 WB
15 TTB
3 MU
7:45. Had two failed bar MU attempts which wasted a lot of time

21 WB
3 bar MU
60 DU
15 TTB
7:16. One failed bar MU attempt

all double unders unbroken

I can't remember the last time I had a training week this bad. I know my performance is off for a number of reasons-my training schedule has been off due to traveling and I ate VERY poorly on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I definitely learned my lesson. Argggg. It makes me nervous that I feel this bad two weeks before a big competition. Snatches were alright today, I feel like I haven't squat snatched in awhile but I was pleased to end up at 130. I failed it twice but got it on the third try. The second half was just frustrating. Breathing was pretty heavy but the main thing that was bothering me was a giant tear on my palm. I felt like it was keeping me from being able to really kip hard so my bar MUs and toes to bar suffered a bit because I didn't want to tear it any worse. First round went well, but on the second round I failed two bar muscle ups which set me back one minute. During the third round I failed one bar muscle up but everything else felt good. The wall balls actually felt the best out of everything, the 20 pound ball really didn't bother me that much. All double unders were unbroken so that was good. Ready to put this week behind me and look forward to training for the competition. 


A. Power clean, build to a touch-and-go 3RM in only 3 attempts over 125
B. Split jerk from blocks, 9 x 1 waveload 145-155-165, emphasis on speed & aggressive lockout @ catch; begin a set every :60
For time:
10 stone-to-shoulders, 95
30 CTB pull-ups, mandatory sets of 5
15 wall walks
30 CTB pull-ups, mandatory sets of 5
10 stone-to-shoulders, 95

A. 165 (175 Fx2)
B. complete


1500m row @ 2:05.0 pace
8 sets of:
:30 row @ 100%
4:30 rest (8:00 rest after set 4)
5:00 row cool-down, keep it Z1

158 meters

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 1 set every :60 starting @ 125 and adding 10 every :60
For time:
15 muscle-ups
For 10:00:
Evens: 3 tough close-grip bench press
Odds: 15 heavy Russian kettlebell swings

A. 185 (195 Fx2)
bench @110, 70# KB

Squat cleans felt tough today, I was hoping to get to at least 195 but I failed it twice. That was frustrating. My lifting technique was off today, I was rushing the lift instead of being patient. I'm not sure why I was doing that. Not my best lifting today. I am pleased with how the muscle ups went, all of them were in sets of 2 until the last two reps. I think I was waiting just a bit too long in between sets, I was trying to focus more on stringing two together instead of getting a fast time and I wanted to have enough rest so I didn't fail any sets. But I am still happy with my time. I would like to try 30 muscle ups for time soon, the last time I did it, it took me 23 minutes so I know I could do much better now. The bench press/KB workout was tougher than I expected, I was breathing relatively hard by the end. Bench press felt good but KB swings got tough. This week has been a little frustrating so far. 

Friday, December 20, 2013


A. Power clean, build to a moderate/tough single in 10:00 from an empty bar
B. Split jerk from blocks, 9 x 1 waveload 135-145-155, emphasis on speed under lockout @ catch; begin a set every :60
C. Weighted ring dip, build to a max
For time:
20 alternating Turkish get-ups, 45
60 toes-to-bar, mandatory sets of 5
100m heavy prowler push, grind effort

A. 190
B. complete
C. 45#(PR+5)
70# on prowler

I am pleased with the power clean number, although they didn’t feel great today. I think I am used to squat cleans now so the power cleans felt a little off. Split jerks felt really good, I was focusing on speed and punching myself underneath the bar. I never felt like I was pressing out and had no wrist pain, so that’s a good sign. I am happy with a PR on the weighted dip! I figured I might PR that today since I have been doing so many weighted dips lately. The TGU workout actually took me less time than I thought it would. My turkish get-ups are pretty slow, especially with 45 pounds. I figured it would take me closer to 30 minutes. On the TGU I tried to keep the rest between reps very short. It still took me awhile, 11 minutes. The toes to bar felt really good, those were never a problem. The prowler was how I expected, I was able to push it for the first 25 meters without stopping, then I had to stop once during 50 meters and once again on 75 meters but I was able to push it the last 25 meters with no break. Overall I am pleased how I did on this.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


1200m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace
7 sets of:
:30 row @ 100%
4:30 rest
1200m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace

158 meters


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


A. Squat clean, build quickly to a tough single
B. Muscle-ups, 10 x 2 unbroken; begin a set every :90
For 10:00:
Evens: 10 hand-release push-ups
Odds: 6 alternating DB snatches, 45

A. 195 (205 Fail)
B. complete. Failed the second muscle up on 9th and 10th set but all unbroken up until that point

Squat cleans felt GREAT today. I was able to get to 195 relatively quickly. I went 125-145-165-185-195. I had a feeling I might be able to PR my squat clean so I put 205 on the bar and went for it. I was able to get under it easily but I couldn't stand it up. FUCK. So disappointing, I really thought it was going to happen today. Oh well, next time. The muscle ups went well, all sets were around :10. I failed the 2nd muscle up on the 9th and 10th set which was a little frustrating but I think I was just fatigued. The push up/db snatch workout was good, db snatches were really fast. Good day today. 

Monday, December 16, 2013


35:00 airdyne @Z1

My session with Lindsey Valenzuela

For the people that don’t know, I am a huge Lindsey fan. Ever since I saw her dominate the clean ladder at the 2012 CrossFit Games, I have always had an immense respect for her. Watching her on that ladder was what really kickstarted my interest in wanting to be successful in Olympic Lifting. I am a fan of her because she is an amazing lifter, has great form, understands and respects the sport of olympic weightlifting, but is also a very talented CrossFitter. She is extremely strong but also very well-rounded in all other aspects of the sport. This year she took 2nd place at the CrossFit Games and it was very well-deserved. Watching her compete is always very inspiring.

When I found out she was going to be coming to CrossFit Conjugate, I was pretty jealous. I thought it was very cool that she traveled to Ohio to work with the Sweatts and Sam Briggs. I figured she would be way too busy to have time to meet me so I never asked. Then last Thursday my dad and I left for what I thought was going to be a lifting session at Cincinnati Strength. I noticed my dad drove past the exit and he said we were going to take a different route. I didn’t think anything of it and didn’t really notice anything weird until we were pulling up to the street where Conjugate is located. Then it finally clicked that we weren’t going to CSC, and he told me he set up an private hour lifting session with Lindsey. To say I was excited would be an understatement.
Yep, this is totally normal. I'm not freaking out AT ALL. 

I met Lindsey and she was super cool. Very chill and very down to earth. I was pretty nervous when she was having me warm up for snatches. I didn’t want to completely choke and have it be a “I swear I’m really not that bad” situation, or even worse have her get really frustrated with me not being able to pick things up fast enough and just say “yeah I can’t help you”. I think she could tell I was nervous because she told me to relax and that she’s a normal person like everyone else haha. Also by some weird coincidence I happened to be wearing my Dogtown CrossFit shirt (Lindsey’s gym), which probably made me seem like an even bigger goob. After about ten minutes I finally calmed down and started to focus. After I warmed up with the bar she watched me snatch a few times and immediately noticed my bar path is going too far away from my body. She pointed out that I am not really shrugging at all and that is resulting in dropping under the bar too slowly and it’s also causing the bar to move away from me. She had me do one shrug and then one full snatch, a few reps and then I would add a little more weight. My first few reps weren’t great, I was trying to think about keeping the bar close, shrugging, driving my feet into the ground, all that. But once I did more reps I started getting the hang of it, and by the time we finished the first part I was keeping the bar in much closer and getting under faster, it felt a lot easier. Lindsey said to think about it as making each lift as easy as possible for myself. She also noticed that when I snatch, I tend to throw my head back which also causes the problem of bringing the bar too far out in front of me. She told me to focus on one thing in front of me and said I couldn’t take my eyes off of it the entire lift. I decided to focus on a white paint spot on the wall. When I first tried it I fell really far forward but then it became much easier and worked so well, my snatches drastically improved when I kept my eyes on one focal point for the whole lift.

After that she had me do some heavy pulls with straps. I have never really used straps before so she had to show me how to wear them and how to wrap them around the bar. It took some getting used to at first but after the first few sets it was starting to feel more normal to use the straps. I was trying to focus on pushing my feet into the ground on each pull. After that, she had me do sets of snatch balances, increasing in weight each time. She told me to focus on punching quickly underneath the bar. By the end of the session I felt like my snatches had drastically improved in just that one hour.

Just shootin the shit with my new pal

I learned so much from Lindsey. I have to work on keeping the bar in close, being patient with the lift, keeping my focus on one point throughout the whole lift, and work on dropping quickly underneath the bar instead of letting it push me down. She had a lot of insightful things to say about lifting. I told her how I tend to get really frustrated if one week everything feels great and then the next week I come in and all my lifts feel like shit. She said that is why Olympic lifting can be so frustrating, you can have a three hour session and out of one thousand reps, maybe only one or two will feel perfect. She said to learn to appreciate those perfect reps and that when my lifts are going poorly I need to break them down to the basics, then put everything back together. She said I have a lot of potential, and that was really awesome to hear. Coming from her, that meant a lot. She is an awesome person, very patient and down to earth, and my respect for her grew even more. Thank you dad for the best surprise Christmas gift ever! Thanks Stephen and my mom and whoever else helped keep it a secret. It was really one of the coolest experiences ever.

what an awesome day!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


A. Power clean & split jerk, 9 x 1 @ 80-90% 1RM; begin a set every :90
B. Weighted ring dips, 5 x 1-2, 20X1; 2:00 rest
For time:
5 bar muscle-ups
3 stone-to-shoulders, 95
3 bar muscle-ups
6 stone-to-shoulders, 95
1 bar muscle-up
9 stone-to-shoulders, 95
100m Farmer's walk, 70/hand

A. complete @165
B. 5-10-15-20-25

I think I need to work on my jerk more, I am starting to press it up instead of pushing myself under the bar, and it's causing pain in my wrists. The cleans felt easy but the jerks felt heavy. I was very pleased with the stone/bar mu workout. All bar muscle ups were singles but I was trying to take shorter rest between reps. The stone to shoulder definitely went better than last time, I was trying to take shorter rest with that as well. I'll be happy when I get my bar muscle ups strung together, then these workouts will go much faster. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


1200m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace
6 sets of:
:30 row @ 100%
4:00 rest
1200m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace



rest day


A. Front squat, build to a moderate/fast single in no more than 5 sets
5:00 @ 80% of [1 muscle-up + 2 touch-and-go squat cleans @ 135 + 50m shuttle run (25 out & back)]
3:00 rest
5:00 @ 80% of row for meters
3:00 rest
5:00 @ 80% of [5 toes-to-bar + 7 hand-release push-ups + 9 box jumps w/step-down @ 20"]
3:00 rest
5:00 @ 80% of row for meters, must be same as 1st set
3:00 rest
5:00 @ 80% of alternating Turkish get-ups @ 35

A. 205
1129 meters
1150 meters

Saturday, December 7, 2013


A. Snatch pull clusters, build quickly to an explosive single @ 100-110% snatch max, just to prep the CNS
B. Power snatch, 3-2-1-1-1-1; 2:30 rest
5 sets for even times:
20 wall balls
1 muscle-up
400m row
3:00 rest

A. up to 155
B. 85-105-115-125-130-135(PR)-140(PR)-145(PR)
1. 3:31
2. 3:24
3. 3:21
4. 3:23
5. 3:21

Awesome day today! I was not expecting to PR my power snatch by that much. I got up to the last set with 135 which as a PR and I decided to go for 140 just for the hell of it, and I got it! I was going to stop there but it turns out the phone didn't record my rep at 140 and I wanted to get a video so I had to decide to either try 140 again or go for 145. I decided to go for 145 and failed twice but got it on the third try! It felt good, I think I could even get 150 next time. The wall ball/rowing workout went really well, I broke up the wall balls into sets of 10 every round, didn't fail any muscle ups, and tried to keep the rowing around a 2:04-2:05 pace. I recovered quickly between sets and felt great during this whole workout. Great day today! 


A. Power clean & split jerk, 8  x 1 @ 80-90% 1RM; begin a set every 2:00
B. Ring dips, 5 x 2-3, 20X1; 2:00 rest
For time:
5 bar muscle-ups
10 wall walks
15 stone-to-shoulders, 95
20 CTBs
25m bear crawl
20 toes-to-bars
15 kettlebell swings, 70
10m handstand walk
5 rope climbs

A. complete @175
B. 3(uw), 3(5#), 3(7.5), 3(10), 3(12.5)


1000m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace
7 sets of:
:25 row @ 100%
3:35 rest
1000m row @ 2:05.0 goal pace


Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A. Front squat, build to a tough 2 in 10:00
For 10:00:
Evens: 2 touch-and-go squat cleans @ 135
Odds: 2 muscle-ups
For 10:00:
Evens: 10 hand-release push-ups
Odds: 25m reverse sled drag, 135

A. 200
complete, all muscle ups unbroken

Today. was. awesome. Muscle ups felt great, better than they have felt in a long time. Today was the first time I have been able to string them together in a few months, I wasn't sure if I would be able to but I went for it on the first set and it was easy so I was able to string 2 together every time. I am really happy with that. The squat cleans felt really light, those were easy. The sled drag/push up workout went better than I thought, I wasn't sure how long it would take me to pull the sled but it ended up being around :20 each time. I was definitely breathing hard by the end though. 


35:00 airdyne @Z1

Sunday, December 1, 2013


12:00 Z1 mixed warm-up of AirDyne, row, ski erg, and single-unders, keep it easy and stay moving
6 sets of:
400m run @ 75-85-95-75-85-95% effort, times should reflect changes in effort
2:00 walk rest
12:00 @ 90% of [5 ring dips + 10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings + 1 rope climb + 200m run]

complete with 70# KB

felt like shit today


A. Snatch pull clusters, 3 x 1.1.1 @ 107% snatch max
B. Power snatch, build to a touch-and-go 2rm
4 sets for times:
1 muscle-up
5 squat clean & jerks, start @ 105 and add 10/set
20 wall balls
500m row @ 2:05/500m
4:00 rest

A. complete @150
B. 130 (power snatch PR+5)
1. 6:40-forgot to record rowing time
2. 6:40/2:04.0
3. 6:40/2:04.2
4. 6:41/2:02.9

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