Saturday, May 11, 2013


For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10 foot target)
30 chest to bar pull ups
30 alternating pistol squats
30 one arm dumbbell snatch (50#, alternating arms)
For time:
Deadlift (185#)
Box jumps (24" box)

splits were 1:17 (wall ball), 4:10 (CTB), 7:05 (pistols)

The first workout went a lot better than I expected. I knew it wasn't going to take too long since 30 isn't a terrible number, but I have never snatched a 50# dumbbell so I wasn't sure how that was going to go. It actually ended up being the easiest part of the workout for me. The CTB pull ups took longer than they should have, I really need to work on learning how to butterfly those. The pistol squats were a LOT better than they have been in the past, definitely stronger and getting faster. I made up a lot of time on the DB snatch, didn't fail any and they felt good the whole way through. Really pleased with how this went.

The deadlift workout went really well. I felt like I was moving at a good pace the whole time and I'm really happy with my time. The deadlifts felt nice and easy up until the round of 9, then they were a bit of a struggle. Overall I think my breathing is finally starting to get better. Excited to do the last two regionals wods tomorrow.

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