Thursday, February 25, 2016


Not for time:
10 dead hang to inverted
5 sets very easy:
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank 
:60 row
:60 single unders w/heavy rope
:60 front leaning rest

A. Snatch pull, build quickly to a heavy but crisp single
For time @97%
21 handstand push ups
15 assault bike calories
9 power cleans, 125
10:00 rest
3:00 @97%
15 KB swings, 53
15 burpees
3 sets:
4-6/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1


A. 195
complete w/8#

Snatch pulls felt great today, 195 got pretty high.

The assault bike workout was terrible. My goal was to finish under 2:00 and I barely made it. Handstand push ups were unbroken and pretty fast. I think I went as fast as I could on the assault bike? I thought I was pushing pretty hard on this, I was really tired when I got to the cleans. I definitely lost time on the cleans, I rested too long before the first rep. I also tried to string some together right out of the gate and that was a mistake, I did two in a row but they were slow. I realized I needed to switch to singles but I had already wasted too much time. Ugh. This was nasty. It took me awhile to recover from this.

I definitely wasn't fully recovered by the time I had to start the KB/burpees. This part was so slow. My muscles were extremely fatigued and I couldn't breathe (partially from still recovering from a cold). Longest three minutes of my life.

Last normal training day before the Open. Goodbye, heavy weight. See you in five weeks. 


5 sets of:
3:00 bike @ high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest

A. Back squat, build quickly to a moderate double
For 24:00
1st- 1 bar muscle up + 2 CTB pull ups + 3 toes to bar
2nd- 12 wall balls, 14 to 9
3rd- :30 assault bike @90% aerobic 


A. 245

Good day. It's amazing how easy back squats are now, I used to be terrified of these. 245 was relatively easy for a double. 

The EMOM went well, I liked the gymnastics complex a lot. Wall balls were SUPER easy, I love throwing to a 9 foot target. About halfway through the EMOM I started having a weird feeling in my right knee after each set of wall balls. The first few steps afterwards were feeling sort of unstable and shaky. It was really weird. I don't know if I didn't mobilize correctly or what was going on. I need to make an appointment with Balza next week. 

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