Thursday, November 19, 2015


30:00 mobility 


I was looking through old CrossFit pictures today and found these gems:

My technique in this picture literally makes me want to puke

Grip too close? Check.
Feet too wide? You bet!
Back rounded? Of course
Absolutely no use of my legs? You know it bro


6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Power snatch clusters, 5x1.1 starting @105 and adding a bit from there, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Snatch pull, 5x1 @185; :90 rest
C. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x5-8/arm, 10x1, :45 between arms
For time:
60 burpee box jumps, complete 6 kettlebell swings @53 @the top of every minute
3 rounds easy:
250m row
50 double unders

6 sets complete

A. 105-115-120-125-135
B. complete
C. 40-45-50

Mehhhhhh. Snatches continue to feel heavy overhead . This is annoying. The pull is so easy but being aggressive with it overhead is still not where I want it to be. All my reps today were so slow and not aggressive in the turnover at all, I don't think I was happy with a single rep today (video). I talked to Mark about it and he said it took him awhile to get back into the groove of snatching after he took time off for his back, so that made me feel a bit better. All I'm saying is, a 135 power snatch shouldn't feel heavy. 

Snatch pulls, on the other hand, were really easy (video). 

1-arm DB rows were fine. 

The burpee/KB piece was really hard, I was dreading this all day. It was tough because there would be a few seconds before each minute when I wasn't sure if I could get in a whole BBJ before the top of the minute. I thought I did a good job of keeping my transitions fast, I didn't really pause between the burpees and KB. I just slowed down on burpees. It's hard for me to keep a good rhythm on BBJ if they're not box jump overs, doing a burpee directly in front of the box is sort of awkward. I could tell during the third minute I was already slowing down. There was also some confusion about my time, I sort of stopped counting after awhile because Mark was counting for me but then I think one of us got mixed up? When I stopped Mark said my time was 6:22 but that would have been way too fast, so Stephen said it was probably closer to 7:22, which makes a lot more sense. I'm not really sure what happened. Oh well. Either way it was very painful and I wasn't happy with my performance. I didn't dig in hard enough to push the burpees. Transitions were good but the speed wasn't where it needed to be. 


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice

A. Back squat w/chains, 4-4-3-3; 2:30 
B. Muscle ups, 5:00-8:00 easy practice
For 8:00
evens- 5 strict pull ups
odds- 6-8 alternating axle front rack reverse lunges, moderate
For 8:00
evens- 1 rope climb
odds- 16 fast alternating box step ups/step downs, 20
Not for time:
800m walk cool-down


A. 175-185-195-205(these numbers don't include the chains, not sure if I'm supposed to clarify that)
B. complete
complete w/110#

Today was pretty good! The chains weren't nearly as weird as last week, I'm getting used to them. The only iffy set was the last one at 205, the first two reps were solid but the third rep was UGLY, I could tell my back was rounded on the way up. 

Muscle up practice was fine, no pain in the shoulder. I did a few easy triples on both bar and rings. 

I really enjoyed both EMOMs. Strict pull ups were okay, they feel weaker now that I'm using my lats instead of traps but I know I'm just trying to re-train myself to do everything correctly and certain movements are going to feel a bit off. Rope climbs were good, Austin said they looked fast. 

Cool-down walk was complete with my buddy Austin. Overall a very nice day. 

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