Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Every 5:00 for 2 sets:
6 alternating DB snatches, heavy and fast
6 burpees, as fast as possible
:15 AirDyne @ 95%
Every 6:00 for 2 sets:
7 tough touch-and-go power cleans
:25 run @ 97%
Every 7:00 for 2 sets:
:55 row @ 100%

complete with 50# DB
complete @140#
complete, 296/282 meters

Definitely should have gone heavier on the DB, the last time I did an DB snatches was when we were training for regionals and 50# felt heavy then but today it felt pretty light. I should have gone heavier on the cleans too, I think I should have done at least 145 or maybe even 150. The row sprints were rough as usual, I definitely dropped off more this week on the second row than previous weeks. On the second row I felt like I was going as fast as I could but I knew I was still going pretty slow, I felt like I had nothing left in my legs. It was rough. Row sprints are not fun.


A. Front squat clusters, 2 x 4.4.4; :30 rest between 4s, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice, work on stringing together reps
For reps:
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 4 muscle-ups]
4:00 rest
4:00 of [2 squat snatches @ 115 + 6 toes-to-bar]

A. 165 for first set, 170 for the second set
B. complete. Strung 2 together on the first try then all singles after that
2 snatches + 3 muscle ups
4:00 rest (which actually turned into 6:00 rest...)
3 rounds + 1 snatch

Bahhhh. Today was so disappointing. The front squats went well, I'm glad Stephen pushed me to do higher weight on those, originally I was going to do 155 but he told me to go 165 then 170 and I'm happy I did. I thought the muscle ups were going to be better, I strung two together on the first try but then couldn't string any more together after that. Ugh. I've been watching a lot of videos and I know what I need to do but it's hard to actually do it. I will just have to keep working on those. The snatch/muscle up workout was really disappointing. I thought I was going to do better on the snatches since I have been doing really well on those lately, but that was not the case. For some reason the thought of doing 115# snatches in a workout really freaked me out and I think it got in my head. I got the first rep no problem, then failed the second one. Tried for a third, failed that one too. That really fucked with my head. I got the next attempt but just barely. I went on to the muscle ups but failed the first attempt (WHAT) but I think it's because I had my wrist wraps on. I took them off and was able to get three muscle ups before the 4:00 was up. Ughhh. Not how I wanted that to go down. I was hoping to get at least one full round. The next part went better, I was able to get 3 rounds plus one snatch, although my snatches still didn't feel great. I did not feel like I was dropping under the bar quickly at all. They just felt so off. Today was frustrating. 

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