Friday, December 20, 2013


A. Power clean, build to a moderate/tough single in 10:00 from an empty bar
B. Split jerk from blocks, 9 x 1 waveload 135-145-155, emphasis on speed under lockout @ catch; begin a set every :60
C. Weighted ring dip, build to a max
For time:
20 alternating Turkish get-ups, 45
60 toes-to-bar, mandatory sets of 5
100m heavy prowler push, grind effort

A. 190
B. complete
C. 45#(PR+5)
70# on prowler

I am pleased with the power clean number, although they didn’t feel great today. I think I am used to squat cleans now so the power cleans felt a little off. Split jerks felt really good, I was focusing on speed and punching myself underneath the bar. I never felt like I was pressing out and had no wrist pain, so that’s a good sign. I am happy with a PR on the weighted dip! I figured I might PR that today since I have been doing so many weighted dips lately. The TGU workout actually took me less time than I thought it would. My turkish get-ups are pretty slow, especially with 45 pounds. I figured it would take me closer to 30 minutes. On the TGU I tried to keep the rest between reps very short. It still took me awhile, 11 minutes. The toes to bar felt really good, those were never a problem. The prowler was how I expected, I was able to push it for the first 25 meters without stopping, then I had to stop once during 50 meters and once again on 75 meters but I was able to push it the last 25 meters with no break. Overall I am pleased how I did on this.

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