Thursday, September 15, 2016


8 sets:
500m row @2:00.0-2:00.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds for movement quality:
2x [5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
3 touch and go power cleans, 155
2 touch and go power cleans, 165
1 power clean, 175
3 rounds for time:
.4 mile assault bike
20 push ups
10 medball to shoulder
3 sets not for time:
9-12 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery


70#/side for RH
DNS- ran out of time before coaching 

Had to skip my AM session this morning because I ended up taking Pat to Glenn's office for some tooth surgery. I had to get my morning classes covered and didn't have any time to do anything. Ugh. I will make these up next week.

I came into my PM session really tired. I'm not sure if it's because my normal routine was thrown off or what, but I was feeling very drained. 

Handstand walks were not great today, I had trouble steadying myself above the ab mat each time. I kept walking past it and would have to hold it for awhile until I could get myself in the right position over the ab mat (thanks freestanding handstand practice!) and I also failed a few FSHSPU, I had to do a forward roll two different times (thanks forward roll practice!). This just didn't feel good today. 

Cleans were easy.

The assault bike/push up workout was rough, I felt like garbage. My legs and arms were just dead. I thought I would be able to at least break up the push ups in sets of 10 each set but I was breaking them up a LOT. I actually wanted to quit halfway through because I was pissed off about how shitty I was feeling. Zero energy today. 

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