Thursday, September 15, 2016


A. Front squat from the ground (squat clean counts as first rep) 3-3-3-3-3 building, begin a set every 3:00
B. Standing hand over hang sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be predominantly upper-body movement) 4x15m a bit heavier than last week, begin a set every :90
4 sets:
20 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max (-1) unbroken toes to bar
3:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery

A. 135-155-175-195-205
B. complete w/85# 
subbed 15 GHD sit ups per round
Balza rehab

Happy with the front squats from the ground, 205 was my goal. It definitely wasn't my best clean, it pulled me a bit forward and I had to take a second to reset before the front squats. 

The sled pull wasn't bad, this mostly just hurts my hands when I pull the strap. Also, as I was doing this, I noticed my right lat was getting really aggravated. It was already sore when I started warming up but as I kept doing the sled pull it started feeling pretty pissed off. I must have tweaked something on Saturday during all the pull ups? 

Wall balls were MUCH easier than last week, I hit 20 easily each set and last week I was really struggling with 25. I subbed 15 GHD sit ups instead of the toes to bar because it hurt to hang from the bar.  

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