Monday, September 12, 2016


40:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 6 alternating 1-arm DB snatches, moderate/tough

A. Squat snatch, build quickly to a tough single
B. Back squat, build quickly to a tough single
5 sets:
1-2-3-4 of [strict handstand push ups + power cleans @125]
:60 rest
200m run
:60 rest
Not for time:
400m 1-arm farmers walk, 53
switch sides as needed


A. 155 (165 Fx5)
B. 260

Another good day! Minus the multiple snatch PR fails. WHY.

I tried not to come into my training session with the specific goal of hitting a snatch PR because I know "build to a heavy single" doesn't mean "build to a max." I was just going to go by feel. Everything through 155 was so easy, I didn't have any misses and I worked up to it really quickly. I went for 167 (a two pound PR....but still) and thought I had it on the first attempt, but I slowly lost it behind me in the bottom. I tried again two more times and failed in front. Conner told me to keep trying because it looked like I was about to hit it so I tried again and failed in front. Then Conner told me to try speeding up my pull off the ground with the goal to fail behind me, not in front. On the fifth attempt I pulled the bar off the ground a bit more aggressively and failed behind. I called it after that. This was really frustrating because the weight never felt heavy, I just kept losing it behind me in the bottom. I'M NEVER GOING TO PR MY SNATCH AGAIN. That's probably not true but it would be nice to hit one pretty soon, I haven't hit a snatch PR in almost two years. 

Back squats felt really good today, I probably could have gone a bit heavier than 260 but it was a bit slow out of the bottom so I stopped. 

The HSPU/clean workout was AWESOME, this was totally in my wheelhouse. I crushed this. Strict handstand push ups were unbroken every set. Power cleans were quick singles and very easy. The run felt great and my breathing was good throughout the whole workout. My transitions were fast between HSPU and power cleans. This was just a great workout for me. I really enjoyed working out with Annie, I enjoy being synced up with the comp group every so often. 

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