Monday, April 27, 2015


A. Shoulder to overhead from the ground, build quickly to a tough triple
B. Overhead squat, build to a tough single
For time:
35 CTB pull ups
21 cleans, 125
9 strict handstand push ups
For time @95%
750m row

A. 165
B. 165

Another solid day. The shoulder to overhead was heavier than I would have liked, I push jerked the first rep at 165 but had to split jerk the last two reps. Merrrrr. I feel like it shouldn't be that hard. I was having flashbacks of last weekend at the combine when I had to do this. I don't know why my shoulder to overhead has been so off lately. 

I was pretty happy with the overhead squat since the last time I did this was before the Open. The actual squat was pretty easy but the behind the neck jerk was the hard part, for some reason it took me a few seconds to stabilize it on 155 and 165, usually the BNJ isn't the issue. 

I was very pleased with my performance on the CTB workout. My butterfly CTB pull ups were so good today! I did 15 in a row easily, then 10/5/5. I'm actually not sure why I stopped at 15, I think I could have kept going. I'm not sure why I keep doing this. I thought I was going to be able to break up the cleans 7/7/7 (classic) but I ended up going 4/4 then 2s then switched to singles at the 14th rep. The cleans were actually the toughest part of the workout and I thought it would be the easiest. I probably should have switched to singles sooner, I was resting too much between sets. Strict HSPU were 5/2/2 with very minimal rest between sets, I'm very happy with my progress on these so far. 

I'm not sure if the row was too slow? It hurt a lot so I feel like I did it at legs were on fire after this was over. 

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