Monday, April 27, 2015


For time @70-80%
30 row calories
30 alternating DB snatches, 50
150 double unders
30 burpees
30 row calories

A. Snatch, build to a max in 10:00
B. Handstand walk, 3 attempts @max unbroken distance
For time:
5 rope climbs
30 wall balls, 20 to 10
3 rope climbs
20 wall balls
1 rope climb
10 wall balls
10:00 airdyne @Z1


A. 150
B. 63 feet (PR)-62 ft-30 ft

AM session was very enjoyable. The double unders were actually the hardest part, I broke them up 50/50/30/20. It's tough to do double unders at 80%. Everything else was pretty steady. 

I'm SO PUMPED I snatched 150. YES. It's coming back. I had one failed attempt at 140 but hit it easily the second time. The snatches got easier as the weight got heavier. 

Handstand walk was really fun, 63 feet is definitely a PR. Second attempt was basically the same as the first. The third attempt was only half the distance, I was laughing since someone (cough Stephen cough) was singing circus music as I was doing my handstand walk. I went back and did another attempt but then in my head I was singing the circus music so I made it the same distance because I couldn't stop laughing. 

I feel like the rope climb/wall ball workout was too slow. Rope climbs are definitely getting faster and I'm trying to rest less between climbs, but then I would rest way too much between sets of wall ball. The 20 pound ball to the 10 foot target was rough, I was breaking up sets a lot. 

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