Saturday, March 21, 2015

3/20/2015 (15.4- First attempt)

3 sets:
:30 airdyne hard
4:30 walk rest
sets of 3 HSPU
10:00 mobility 

15.4- 80

15.4 was tougher than I thought it would be. I started out at a good pace, I was sticking to sets of 3 HSPU and doing all singles for the cleans. During the set of 15 HSPU I started hitting a wall. My shoulders were really tired and the sets of 3 were getting slower and slower. I was resting too long between sets so I switched to doubles. I managed to get through the set of 15, and during the set of 18 was when the no-reps started happening. I probably got no-repped about 6 times, my toes were too pointed and my  feet weren't all the way over the line. I was getting more and more frustrated with each no-rep because it was so much wasted energy. The 8:00 flew by, when Stephen said I had 2:00 left I started to panic. When time ran out, I was 4 HSPU short of finishing the round of 18. I was mostly just disappointed with myself on all my no-reps, I wasn't being deliberate with my feet and I came off the wall too early on a few of them. Not super happy with this score, will redo tomorrow and most likely Monday.  

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