Monday, September 22, 2014


5-6 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
5 dead hang to inverted
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a single @ 185
B. Segmented snatch-grip deadlift clusters (pause just off ground, just below knees, mid-thigh), 3 x 1.1 heavy; :20 between reps, 3:00 rest
For time - goal is sub-5, go for it and see what happens:
50 hang squat cleans, 115
4 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 100 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Hollow hold, accumulate 120 seconds; rest and break as needed to ensure solid positions throughout

complete with 25#KB

A. complete, 125-155-175-185
B. 185-205-225

Felt good today. Squat cleans were easy. Snatch grip deadlifts are definitely getting better as well. I was really happy with how the 50 hang squat cleans ended up, I was shooting for under 5:00 but I think 5:27 is still pretty solid. I did sets of 5 the entire time. It was definitely challenging, the first 5 were very easy but after the second set of 5 I knew it was going to be tough. The weight never felt heavy but my legs got fatigued pretty quickly and it became harder to quickly stand up out of the squat. I was also breathing pretty hard after about 20 reps. I'm glad Stephen pushed me on the last 15 reps, I probably would have tried to rest a bit longer between sets. If I had to redo this, I think I would try to rest less in the beginning between sets, maybe open with a bigger set and really push it more toward the end as well. I'm definitely happy with my time though. The sled sprints were way better than last week, even though they were 10 pounds heavier I felt a lot better recovery-wise. And also I only had 4 this week instead of 6 so that was nice. I did the hollow hold in sets of :20, that was getting pretty tough by the end. 

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