Monday, September 19, 2016


A. 10:00 triple under and freestanding handstand push up practice- alternate between the two, nothing fatiguing. 
B. Power clean from blocks (upper thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts once you load the bar above 125)
C. DB seesaw press (non-working arm stays at lockout), 3x6-8 total, 21x1; 2:00 rest
For time w/partner, trade off as needed w/only 1 working at a time:
80 DB ground-to-overhead or med ball to shoulders
100 row calories
120 burpees
Bis, tris, and abs of choice

A. complete, only one good set of 6 FSHSPU, shoulder fatigued 
B. 155 
C. 25-35-40(6)
15:41 w/Kellie
we both used 75# medball
3 sets:
:15 L-sit
ring dip practice, strict and kipping 

Shoulders were tired today, I couldn't string together more than a few FSHSPU. I hit six in a row on my final set and called it. 

The power cleans off the blocks were really frustrating, this is just a very awkward height. I couldn't get any power from my legs. I caught 155 really low, basically right at parallel. I went for 165 but I could barely pull it. 

The partner workout with Kellie was cool, I thought this was going to be much worse. We traded singles on the medball to shoulder, split up the row cals in five sets of 20, and traded sets of ten on the burpees. I'm really going to miss her when she goes back to California! 

I decided to work on L-sits and ring dips for my bis, tris and abs because they're two of my weakest movements, especially L-sits. I practiced both strict and kipping ring dips. I watched a video on Camille's instagram about kipping dips but I still couldn't quite figure it out. I'm going to keep working on these, you never know when they'll show up. 

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