Thursday, August 13, 2015


7-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 slow & controlled bear crawl
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
:60 single unders

A. Snatch balance, 3-3-3; 2:00 rest
B. 1-arm DB row, 5x1-2/side, 20x1; :60 between arms
C1. Barbell farmers walk (both arms) 2x10-15m; :60 rest
C2. Handstand walk, 2x50'; :60 rest
5 sets:
:12 prowler sprint w/straight arms, add a little weight
2:18 walk rest
3 rounds not for time:
:30 sorenson hold
:20 L-sit on parallette accumulation
:05-:10 inverted hold on rings (top of dead hang to inverted)

7 sets complete

A. 85-95-105
B. 75-80-80-90(1)-90(1)
C1. 75#/side both sets
C2. complete
complete w/95# on prowler

Today was the first day I felt back to normal. Huzzah!

I forgot how difficult snatch balances are. First two sets were pretty easy but I failed the third rep at 105 so I just redid it. 

DB row definitely got tough at the end, the 90 pound DB was hard to grip with my tiny child-size hands.

Barbell farmers walk was a success this week! I was able to pick them up on the first attempt for both sets, no swearing was involved this time. 

Handstand walk feels like it's getting slower, it's nowhere near the speed it was when I was practicing for regionals. I broke once on the first set, second set was unbroken.

Prowler sprints were almost semi-enjoyable today, I was sprinting hard. I do enjoy sprint work. I won't be saying that in two weeks though when they're up to :20. 

I enjoyed the not for time stuff today, sorenson hold was easy. L-sit is still terrible as usual, I'm really trying to get better at this. The hold at the top of the dead hang to inverted is cool, I like it. 

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