Thursday, July 30, 2015


15 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:30 aidyne @50%
5 rounds:
:15-:20 hang alternating between passive and active every few seconds
20m double overhead KB carry, moderate
15 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer
:30 airdyne @50%

A. Power clean and split jerk, build to a 2RM- must be completed within :20 window
B. Behind the neck shoulder press, 3x3-4, 21x1; 2:00 rest
45 row cals @80:
3:00 rest
For time @80%:
20 deadlifts, 125
10 wall walks
15 power cleans, 125
30 ring push ups
20 deadlifts, 125
3:00 rest
45 row cals @80%
800m walk cool down

35# KB/side

A. 185
B. 80-85-90

Was the hang from the bar during my AM session supposed to be with two hands? I only did it with one arm like all the previous weeks, then looked at my notebook again and realized it didn't say 1-arm hang from bar. Oops. Either way, I was hanging from the bar. Passively and actively. 

2RM clean and jerk felt great today, this was needed after my snatching shitshow yesterday. I wore my nanos for this and I think I'm going to start lifting in those more often, I really liked it. Cleans were really easy today and so were the jerks, I stopped at 185 because I had a slight press out on the second jerk and I barely made it in the time cap. I didn't think I had enough left in the tank to attempt 190 twice in that short amount of time. 

Behind the neck press was fine, I'm becoming indifferent about these. 

The 80% piece felt much harder than it was supposed to....I was moving at an 80% pace but I was breathing really hard. I think it was the humidity. The only movement that felt smooth was the row. Deadlifts were broken into 10/10 both times. Wall walks were fast for the first 5 then slowed way down after that, my forearms were blowing up. Power cleans were too slow, they were all singles and I was resting too much between reps. I just couldn't catch my breath. Ring push ups weren't terrible, broken into sets of 10/5/5/5/5. Overall this was harder than it should have been. 

The first 400m of my cool down walk were pretty uncomfortable, it was really hot outside. Once I turned around to come back the sun had sort of gone behind the clouds so it was a bit better. I'm ready for this humidity to end. 

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