Monday, June 22, 2015


45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 to walk around for :20-:30

5:00-10:00 strict deficit handstand push ups practice
A. Deadlift, build to a max for the day-make sure I'm there for these
B. DB bench press, 6-6-6-6, 41x1; 2:00 rest
5 sets:
500m row @2:03.0-2:03.9/500m
2:00 walk rest


A. 345 (PR+20)
B. 15-25-35-40

Strict deficit HSPU practice was tougher than I thought it would be, my shoulders were really sore. Maybe I didn't warm them up properly? I did a few regular strict HSPU then added 45s, then 10s on top of that and that's where I stopped. It wasn't so much pressing out of the handstand as it was keeping my feet on the wall and not falling over. I would press up and my feet would start coming off the wall, so technically it was a no-rep. I just need to keep working on it. 

I was SO EXCITED about the deadlift PR! I thought I would probably PR by at least ten pounds today, I haven't tested a deadlift max in a year. Stephen was standing next to me the whole time and he would just tell me what weights to add/subtract. I had no idea what was on the bar once I got past 195, and I think that definitely helped because I wasn't over-thinking anything, I was just lifting. I pulled 335 and said, "This is starting to get pretty hard" and Stephen said "Do you know how much is on the bar? That was a 10 pound PR" so that was pretty awesome. He told me to add five pounds on each side and go for 345. I got it! It was pretty tough and I definitely got lightheaded when I reached full extension. It's pretty cool to be able to deadlift 200 pounds more than my bodyweight. 

DB bench press actually went better than I thought it would, I used to really suck at this but it has improved a bit. 

Row repeats felt harder than they should have....merrrrr. 

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