Thursday, March 19, 2015


3 sets @ easy pace:
2:00 ski erg
2:00 airdyne
2:00 row
2:00 airdyne

A. 6 deadlifts + 4 hang power cleans + 2 shoulder to overhead, 3x1 @105-115-125; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 3:00
10 power cleans, 85
10 handstand push ups
10 power cleans, 105
10 handstand push ups
10 power cleans, 125
max handstand push ups
2:00 rest
For time:
20 burpees w/2-hand touch to 6" target


A. complete
49 reps

I really enjoyed the deadlift/hang clean complex, each weight was extremely easy and they all felt the same. Hang cleans were pretty fast, I would have liked to go a bit heavier on this. 

The AMRAP was very deceiving, I thought I was definitely going to make it to the final set of handstand push ups. The first 10 cleans were very easy and fast, same with the first set of handstand push ups. The set of cleans at 105 felt like it was 135, I was shocked at how heavy it was. I was able to do them all unbroken but it was tough. I had to break up the second set of handstand push ups 6/4, those were rough. The final set of cleans were all singles. When I first saw this workout I thought I would be able to do everything unbroken. IDIOT. This was a tough one. 

I definitely started out too slow on the burpees, I was still breathing hard from the AMRAP. Around the 10th rep I heard Stephen tell me to speed it up so I turned it up to the pace I SHOULD have been going from the very beginning. I lost that pace around the 18th burpee, the last two were on the slow side. Meh. This should have been better. Burpees are coming up in this Open this week, I can feel it in the air. 

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