Saturday, February 21, 2015


5 rounds @ easy pace:
3:00 airdyne
3:00 mobility of choice-prep the PM movements

A. 1 squat snatch + 3 overhead squats, build to a tough set in 4 attempts from an empty bar
B. Back squat, quick build to a tough double
For time @open pace:
100 double unders
75 wall ball
50 CTB pull ups
25 burpees
10:00 airdyne @Z1


A. 95-105-called after two sets due to pain in right hand
B. 225

Merrrrr. The weird pain in my right hand is getting annoying. It's not really keeping me from doing anything, it's just really uncomfortable when weight is loaded on top of it for a long period of time. Snatching didn't hurt, but holding the bar while doing overhead squats was making it flare up so I called it after two sets. When I was warming up I kicked up into a handstand and it hurts to put all my weight on it. It just feels like it needs to be popped, it doesn't feel strained or pulled, it just feels "off". It's very odd. I'm going to make an appointment with Pete this week to see if he can fix it, I don't want to be dealing with any weird pains going into the Open.

Back squats were alright, 225 was definitely tough but looking back I think I had a bit more in the tank. Back squats have been feeling heavy these days, I can't believe my 1RM is 270. 

The chipper was good and bad. All the double unders were unbroken. My plan for the wall ball was to knock out a large set right away and then go from there. I hit 21 in a row and then the sets were smaller after that. I did 15, then 12, then I think it was like 8-10 from there? I can't really remember. I was resting a bit too much between sets once I hit 50, but I was still happy with my pace on this. The CTB pull ups......eeeeeeesh. Before the workout started, I thought to myself "I'll just do the pull ups in 5 sets of 10" like a CLASSIC McCarty. Once I actually got to the pull ups, I knocked out an easy set of 10 but quickly realized I would not be able to do 5 sets of 10. I did a few sets of 5 and then they were smaller sets after that. I was definitely resting way too much between sets of pull ups. I started out with butterfly pull ups but switched over to kipping a few times. A few of them were singles. I was being a baby on this, my muscles were never tired, I was just breathing really hard at this point. I definitely could have gone faster on these. I felt pretty shitty by the time I got to the burpees, I think I blacked out the entire time. All I remember is slobbering everywhere and looking at the clock at one point and thinking "Fuck, Stephen said sub-10, I have to go." I ended up finishing in 9:34. I thought I was keeping a pretty steady pace on the burpees but I asked Heather if they were slow and she said yes. DAMMIT. I still pushed pretty hard on this workout, after it was over I had to go to the bathroom and collect myself because I thought I might puke and/or shit my pants. I'm happy I was able to do this sub-10. 

I have a few thoughts. First of all, I can tell that mentally I have gotten so much better about just accepting the workout as it is given to me. 6 months ago, seeing 75 wall balls come up during a workout would have sent me into a tailspin. Now, I look at that and think "okay." Large numbers do not scare me anymore (unless it's a large number of rope climbs, still working on that one). But overall, I think I have gotten so much better about looking at my work and saying "okay, let's do that." because I know complaining and worrying about the number of reps isn't going to change anything. I can complain all I want, but when it comes down to it I end up doing the work anyways. I think even if Stephen gave me a workout that had 100 wall balls in it, I would have that moment of "jesus" but then just accept it and do it. I feel like I'm rambling. Oh well, it makes sense to me.  

Also, I was watching the documentary just posted that followed the athletes from the Open through the Games. They were interviewing Camille about a week out from the Games, and she made a comment along the lines of "A lot of it is mentally preparing myself to really hurt on every single workout. If you want to win, you have to be willing to go to that dark place." This really resonated with me, especially since the Open is less than a week away. I want to give every workout my all, and I need to push myself to that dark place if I have to. I have to prepare myself to hurt because I want to contribute some solid scores for my team. I'm ready to do it! 

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