Sunday, November 2, 2014


5-7 rounds @ easy pace
:90 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
:90 row
3/side KB windmill
7 unbroken toes-to-bar

PM (mostly w/Heather)
A. Speed squat clean ladder from Gobblers
B1. Snatch pull clusters, 4 x 1 starting @ 165 & adding 10 each set; :90 rest
B2. Handstand push-ups w/2-4" deficit, 4 x max in :30; :90 rest
3 rounds @ high effort:
500m row
21 box jumps w/step-down, 20
12 deadlifts, 155
3:00 rest
Not for time:
400m sled drag, heavy grind outside

5 rounds complete
25# KB for windmills 

A. made it through twice + 160
B1. complete
B2. 9-7-7-7
complete with 135# on sled

Today was awesome. Really enjoyed the AM session because there were a few different movements in there, went light on the KB windmills since I had never done those before. 

Squat clean speed ladder was so fun. I love ladders! Those are always cool. I'm really happy  with how it went, I made it through twice +160, got to 175 on the third time through but was way too fatigued to clean it. It's crazy how heavy it felt, usually 175 is no problem. My lungs were probably more tired than anything, I had a Fran cough going on the rest of the day. It definitely got more difficult to set up properly at each bar once I got tired. Really looking forward to doing this at the competition. 

Snatch pulls were tough today, my SI joint was hurting a bit after the speed ladder so the pulls were a little uncomfortable but not too bad (I'm going to make sure I see Pete a few times before the competition). The pulls just felt really heavy, 195 barely got past my hips. HSPU were pretty good, I used 25# plates for a deficit. 
The row/deadlift piece was tough. Tried to keep the row at a 2:10 pace. Box jumps were steady. Deadlifts were always 7/5, my back was pretty tight from the squat clean ladder. The sled drag was really rough, it's shocking how horrible 135 felt. By this point my legs were dead and I was really tired. Overall today was really fun, it's always nice working out with my buddy Heather! 

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