Friday, October 31, 2014


A. Overhead squat, 4-4-4, 20X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough single
For 10:00:
Evens: 3-4 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 7 double KB thrusters, 35/hand
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:25 burpees
:30 row
7:00 rest

A. 115-125-135
B. 205 (210 F)
Bar MUs- 4,4,4,3,4

I tested out a more narrow grip on the overhead squats to see if that would help with the wrist pain, and it seemed to work. I only felt slight discomfort on the last set but overall it was much better than last week. Split jerks were good, worked up to a relatively easy 205, went for 210 and knocked myself in the chin, AGAIN! What the heck. I have never done that ever and now I've done it twice in the past month. I'm not sure why that's happening. It wasn't as bad as last time and I wouldn't have made the jerk anyways because the bar path was going way out in front. But it hurt. I'm going to have Chelsea Kyle help me with that next time she comes here. 

The EMOM was tougher than I thought it would be, those KB thrusters are no joke man. Bar MUs were easy and fast, got 4 every time except the fourth round, I caught myself really low on the third rep and knew I probably wouldn't be able to get another one. I was breathing pretty hard throughout the whole thing. I'm really happy with how much my bar muscle ups have improved. The last piece was mehhh. I'm usually pretty tired by this point. My hands hurt a lot so it was hard to hold on to the bar for the whole :20, I dropped off once during the second and third set but jumped right back up. Overall a good day. 

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