Thursday, October 24, 2013


A1. Close-grip bench press, 8-6-4; 2:00 rest
A2. COVP pull-ups, 3 x AMRAP (-1); 2:00 rest
@ an easy pace:
20 alternating DB snatches, 50
15 wall walks
10 rope climbs

A1. 95-105-115
A2. 15-14-12

Today was pretty relaxed. The COVP pull ups felt pretty good, it's too bad you can't really butterfly those, otherwise I think I would have gotten a lot more. The DB snatches were easy, so were the wall walks. I was moving kind of slow since it was at an easy pace. Rope climbs felt good but I was definitely resting way too long between each climb since it wasn't timed. But those are really improving. Afterwards I did some pistol practice, I wore my bees knees to  test it out and they made such a difference! I was able to pop right out of the bottom of every pistol, I only failed one or two on the left leg because I lost my balance, not because I couldn't come up out of the bottom like last week. It was so awesome! I'm going to keep practicing them with the bees knees and then eventually practice them without because I don't want to have to always rely on them to do pistols, but for now they really help a lot. 

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