Wednesday, October 23, 2013


A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 10 x 1 @ 140; begin a set every :60
B. Muscle-ups, 5 x 2 unbroken; rest as needed
5 rounds for time:
3 hang power snatches, 105
7 toes-to-bar

A. complete
B. Fail. Only got 1 muscle up today. Something was very off. 

What. the. fuck. I can't remember the last time I have failed that many muscle ups. I only got ONE muscle up today. One! What the hell? I failed my first attempt and shook it off because I was just warming up. I got the next one, went for a second but failed. Then I couldn't get another one after that. For some reason I was moving very slowly and my aggressive turn over was not there. I have no idea why that happened. It was extremely frustrating and I thought I was going to cry or punch something haha. I think I tried 7 or 8 attempts and failed all of them. It was very confusing, especially since I just did muscle ups last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. I guess it was just an off day, but it definitely got in my head. When that happens I tend to freak myself out and think like "what if I never get another muscle up ever again" even though that is very irrational. So so so frustrating. The snatch/TTB workout went a lot better than I thought, first three rounds of snatches were unbroken, last two rounds were singles. All toes to bar were unbroken and felt better than they have in awhile. So I guess the day wasn't a total failure. Arggg. 

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