Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A. Front squat, build quickly to a tough single, stop when speed out of the hole slows significantly
B. Hang squat clean, take your time and build to a max
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00

A. 205
B. 185 (PR+10)
got 5 MUs out of 10
5:00 rest
1 MU out of 10 (this was a fail. Still trying to work on doing them without a false grip)

Today was good and bad. I am very pleased that I was able to work up to 205 on the front squat because my max is 210, so that gives me hope that I can PR my front squat pretty soon. I am REALLY happy that I was able to PR my hang squat clean today! They all felt really good and I didn't really struggle with standing any of them up except for 185, Stephen said it looked like my head was going to explode. I think I could get 190 relatively soon. The muscle ups were an epic FAIL today. I am in a weird spot right now with my muscle ups. For the past few weeks I have only been doing them without a false grip and since i am still getting used to this they are hit or miss. And I haven't used false grip in so long that now when the non false grip ones start to fail I can't use false grip because it feels very awkward now. So I am in a weird limbo where I can't do false grip anymore but I am not that good at non-false grip to do them consistently. I just have to keep practicing them and I also need to start doing a couple every day. I have only been doing them once a week when they are programmed but they won't get better unless I do them more so I'm going to start doing them in my warm up or cool down. Also I realized I tend to do this thing where if I PR something then I'm like "oh well even if these suck I still PRd my hang squat clean so whatever" and I need to not think that way. Just because I PR something doesn't mean I can use that as an excuse to mentally check out of the rest of my workout. 

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