A. overhead squats, 3x3, light
B. burpee-muscle up work
At 90% of game pace:
500 meter row
20 thrusters (45#)
20 pull ups
A. 65-85-95
B. 10 not for time
Overhead squats felt pretty good, I went pretty light with the weight to test out my hand and see if there was any pain. It felt alright, only felt a little tweak at 95# but nothing major. Burpee muscle ups were the best they have ever been, I did ten not for time and all of them felt really good, I was able to just jump right into the false grip. The mini "jackie" wod was good, I'm always unsure what 90% is but I think I went at a pretty good pace, thrusters were unbroken and I was hoping to do the pull ups unbroken too but on my 13th pull up my hand slipped off the bar. Oh well. My butterfly pull ups are definitely getting better. I'm so happy that my hand is feeling better and I'm able to start doing cleans and muscle ups again. Yay!!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
axel skill work
Airdyne 10 min z1
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seconds @50%
Airdyne 10 min z1
complete, got up to 90# and was able to get it overhead a few times. Hand is feeling better!
Really happy with how the axel work felt today, considering two weeks ago I couldn't even clean the axel without my hand hurting. Stephen told me not to go too heavy, I was able to get up to 90# without any pain. So happy I can finally clean again!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
3 sets @85%
Row 350m
20 thrusters 45#
10 chin ups
rest 2 min
Deadlift 205#
Box jump 24"
rest 5 min
:57, :56, :57
I was a little nervous to do thrusters today because I haven't done anything with a bar besides deadlifts and back squats for over a week due to my hand hurting. But the thrusters felt good today! No pain in my hand, I was really happy with how the thrusters felt. The deadlifts/box jump workout was awesome, three sets of all out effort, the deadlifts were touch and go the whole time and my box jumps are definitely getting faster.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
A. Back squat, 3-3-3; 2:30 rest
7 sets for time:
5 unbroken CTB pull-ups
For time:
5 back squats @ 80% max
50 unbroken double-unders
4 back squats
40 unbroken double-unders
3 back squats
30 unbroken double-unders
2 back squats
20 unbroken double-unders
1 back squat
10 unbroken double-unders
A. 165-185-200
5:55 @185, everything unbroken
Definitely felt very tired today due to moving lots of furniture into my new apartment yesterday. The back squats felt heavy and not as good as they did a few days ago. The CTB pull ups were alright, I was taking about 25-30 seconds rest between each set. The back squat/double under workout went better than expected, I ended up doing the squats AND double unders unbroken. I really thought I was going to have to break up the set of 5 and 4 of the squats since my legs were so tired but I ended up doing all of them without having to break. Double unders were all unbroken which is good because if I messed up I would have to start over and do all of them again! It was also cool getting to watch Lee, Glenn, and Pat throw down today. Very ready for a rest day tomorrow.
7 sets for time:
5 unbroken CTB pull-ups
For time:
5 back squats @ 80% max
50 unbroken double-unders
4 back squats
40 unbroken double-unders
3 back squats
30 unbroken double-unders
2 back squats
20 unbroken double-unders
1 back squat
10 unbroken double-unders
A. 165-185-200
5:55 @185, everything unbroken
Definitely felt very tired today due to moving lots of furniture into my new apartment yesterday. The back squats felt heavy and not as good as they did a few days ago. The CTB pull ups were alright, I was taking about 25-30 seconds rest between each set. The back squat/double under workout went better than expected, I ended up doing the squats AND double unders unbroken. I really thought I was going to have to break up the set of 5 and 4 of the squats since my legs were so tired but I ended up doing all of them without having to break. Double unders were all unbroken which is good because if I messed up I would have to start over and do all of them again! It was also cool getting to watch Lee, Glenn, and Pat throw down today. Very ready for a rest day tomorrow.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
3 rounds not for time:
1 rope climb
7 kipping handstand push-ups
10 pistols
3 rounds for time of:
500m row
12 deadlifts, 185
21 box jumps, 24"
1 rope climb
7 kipping handstand push-ups
10 pistols
3 rounds for time of:
500m row
12 deadlifts, 185
21 box jumps, 24"
Friday, May 24, 2013
10:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 10 wall balls + 10 toes-to-bar]
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 10 hip extensions + 10 hand release push-ups]
5:00 rest
10 sets of:
:30 AirDyne @ 85%
:30 AirDyne @ 50%
5:00 rest
10:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 10 hip extensions + 10 hand release push-ups]
5:00 rest
10 sets of:
:30 AirDyne @ 85%
:30 AirDyne @ 50%
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Didn't have time to post yesterday so I'll add it today
A. Back squat, 5 x 2-3 @ 80% effort; 2:30 rest
B. CTB pull-ups, 10 x 5 unbroken; begin a set every :60
3 rounds for time of:
12 pistols
60 double-unders
Not for time:
400m sled drag, steady grind outside, alternated forward and backward as desired
B. CTB pull-ups, 10 x 5 unbroken; begin a set every :60
3 rounds for time of:
12 pistols
60 double-unders
Not for time:
400m sled drag, steady grind outside, alternated forward and backward as desired
A. 135-155-175-185-200
B. complete
5:48, all double unders unbroken
complete with 90# on sled
I was happy I finally got to do some back squats, I feel like I haven't done those in months. They felt really good and I was able to keep good form on every set. The CTB went well, didn't butterfly them, I still need to get better at that. The pistol/double under workout went a lot better than I thought it would, my pistols are getting so much faster, I think just from doing them so much lately. The left leg is still a little shaky but it's getting stronger, failed 2-3 on the left leg but other than that the pistols felt good and all double unders were unbroken. The sled drag was alright, I think I'm going to do this at least once a week because I want to not suck at it. I only stopped once on the first 200 meters but stopped more than I would have liked to on the last 200 meters. By the end my lower back was hurting and I was pretty out of breath, but I'm definitely going to keep working with the sled.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
A. Deadlift, build quickly to a tough touch and go triple
for time:
5 deadlifts (205#)
1 rope climb
4 deadlifts
1 rope climb
3 deadlifts
1 rope climb
2 deadlifts
1 rope climb
1 deadlift
1 rope climb
10 sets of:
:30 airdyne @90%
:30 airdyne spin
A. 265
Felt good today, Stephen had to program some different stuff for me since my hand is hurt and I really enjoyed what he programmed for me today. I was really pleased with my 3 rep TNG deadlift, my max is 285 so since I got 265 for 3 reps I would like to try a 1RM deadlift again and see if I can get over 300 pounds. The deadlift/rope climb workout felt great, deadlifts felt nice and light, and the rope climbs felt great! I watched Carl Paoli's videos on rope climb progressions and they really helped a lot, I applied what I learned from the video to the rope climbs today and they felt a lot faster and more efficient. I was really happy with my time on this and my hand felt fine which is good. Happy to workout with no pain today!
for time:
5 deadlifts (205#)
1 rope climb
4 deadlifts
1 rope climb
3 deadlifts
1 rope climb
2 deadlifts
1 rope climb
1 deadlift
1 rope climb
10 sets of:
:30 airdyne @90%
:30 airdyne spin
A. 265
Felt good today, Stephen had to program some different stuff for me since my hand is hurt and I really enjoyed what he programmed for me today. I was really pleased with my 3 rep TNG deadlift, my max is 285 so since I got 265 for 3 reps I would like to try a 1RM deadlift again and see if I can get over 300 pounds. The deadlift/rope climb workout felt great, deadlifts felt nice and light, and the rope climbs felt great! I watched Carl Paoli's videos on rope climb progressions and they really helped a lot, I applied what I learned from the video to the rope climbs today and they felt a lot faster and more efficient. I was really happy with my time on this and my hand felt fine which is good. Happy to workout with no pain today!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10' target)
30 CTB pull ups
30 pistols (alternating)
30 dumbbell snatches (50#, alternating arms)
For time:
Deadlifts (185#)
Box Jumps (24")
10:27 (a full 2:00 faster than when I did it on Wednesday)
5:05 (16 seconds faster than when I did it last Saturday)
Great training day, so much better than yesterday. I wanted to really take a lot of time to warm up this morning, especially my arms and wrist. I spent a good hour stretching and getting warm and it really made a big difference. I think from now on I'm just going to have to take more time to warm up. The 30s workout went so much better than it did on Wednesday, my time improved by over 2 minutes! I think it's because I broke everything up more, I was able to pace it better. I broke up the wall balls into sets of 10, the CTB into 5s, and the pistols and snatches were just steady one at a time. I'm happy that my pistols are getting a lot faster. I was really pleased with this today, especially since I did very poorly on Wednesday. The deadlift workout was also a matter of breaking up the sets, I broke up the deadlifts 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 3/3/3 and improved my time by 16 seconds. Now I just need to pick up speed on my box jumps and I might be able to get my time under 5:00. Barely felt in pain in my arms/wrist at all today, I think I just didn't warm up enough yesterday and that's why I was in pain. Lesson learned.
30 wall ball (14# to a 10' target)
30 CTB pull ups
30 pistols (alternating)
30 dumbbell snatches (50#, alternating arms)
For time:
Deadlifts (185#)
Box Jumps (24")
10:27 (a full 2:00 faster than when I did it on Wednesday)
5:05 (16 seconds faster than when I did it last Saturday)
Great training day, so much better than yesterday. I wanted to really take a lot of time to warm up this morning, especially my arms and wrist. I spent a good hour stretching and getting warm and it really made a big difference. I think from now on I'm just going to have to take more time to warm up. The 30s workout went so much better than it did on Wednesday, my time improved by over 2 minutes! I think it's because I broke everything up more, I was able to pace it better. I broke up the wall balls into sets of 10, the CTB into 5s, and the pistols and snatches were just steady one at a time. I'm happy that my pistols are getting a lot faster. I was really pleased with this today, especially since I did very poorly on Wednesday. The deadlift workout was also a matter of breaking up the sets, I broke up the deadlifts 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 3/3/3 and improved my time by 16 seconds. Now I just need to pick up speed on my box jumps and I might be able to get my time under 5:00. Barely felt in pain in my arms/wrist at all today, I think I just didn't warm up enough yesterday and that's why I was in pain. Lesson learned.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
A. Build to a tough OHS double from the ground
B. Rope climb work
For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10' target)
30 CTB pull ups
30 pistol squats (alternating)
30 dumbbell snatches (50# alternating)
A. 125
B. 5 rope climbs
The OHS went better than they did on Friday, but there is still a pain in my wrist when I get the bar overhead. I have to hold the bar a weird way for there not to be pressure on my wrist which makes squatting more difficult. Hopefully this wrist pain goes away within the next week. I was really pleased with my rope climbs, my technique is getting a lot better and I'm definitely using my feet a lot more, they felt good today. The 30s workout SUCKED so much. I was breathing heavily the whole time and felt terrible. My pistols are getting quicker but once I got to the dumbbell snatches, it was just bad. The snatches felt really heavy. I was really disappointed because on Saturday I was able to just rip them out consistently, today I was resting way too much and not getting under them enough. At one point I literally said out loud "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME" haha. My time ended up being almost 2 min slower than it was on Saturday. Oh well. Just gonna keep practicing this one until I can get it below 10:00. Also a big shout out to Heather McC for staying and cheering me on through that workout.
B. Rope climb work
For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10' target)
30 CTB pull ups
30 pistol squats (alternating)
30 dumbbell snatches (50# alternating)
A. 125
B. 5 rope climbs
The OHS went better than they did on Friday, but there is still a pain in my wrist when I get the bar overhead. I have to hold the bar a weird way for there not to be pressure on my wrist which makes squatting more difficult. Hopefully this wrist pain goes away within the next week. I was really pleased with my rope climbs, my technique is getting a lot better and I'm definitely using my feet a lot more, they felt good today. The 30s workout SUCKED so much. I was breathing heavily the whole time and felt terrible. My pistols are getting quicker but once I got to the dumbbell snatches, it was just bad. The snatches felt really heavy. I was really disappointed because on Saturday I was able to just rip them out consistently, today I was resting way too much and not getting under them enough. At one point I literally said out loud "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME" haha. My time ended up being almost 2 min slower than it was on Saturday. Oh well. Just gonna keep practicing this one until I can get it below 10:00. Also a big shout out to Heather McC for staying and cheering me on through that workout.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
10 min z1 run
10 min z1 airdyne
10 min z1 run
Mobility/flow/skill work
complete, worked on pistols and butterfly CTB pull ups
Today was much needed, I was still feeling very sore from everything we did this weekend so it was nice to have a relaxed day where I could work on skills. I found this video online today about pistols, and he talked about using a band to practice pistols to strengthen your legs and get more comfortable with them. I did that today and it really worked, after I practiced with the band a few times, I did some regular pistols and they felt good, a lot better than usual. Heather noticed that I go up on my toes so she suggested that I hold my opposite foot and I think I'm going to start doing that from now on. I also practiced butterfly CTB and they are getting a lot better, I was able to string together 5 a few times. It was nice to have a skill day.
Monday, May 13, 2013
rest day
went in and did some mobility and worked on non false grip muscle up progressions.
went in and did some mobility and worked on non false grip muscle up progressions.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
A. AMRAP (-2) unbroken HSPUs right into :30 handstand hold
B. AMRAP (-2) unbroken toes to bar right into :30 hand from bar
C. 3 sets of 5-8 fat bar shoulder to overhead @100# right into :30 front rack hold
For time:
2 rope climbs
2 squat cleans (135#)
2 rope climbs
3 squat cleans
2 rope climbs
4 squat cleans
A. 12
B. 17
C. complete, 8 reps
Good day testing out the last two regionals wods. The HSPUs right into the handstand hold was surprisingly a lot harder than I expected. After about 15 seconds into the hold my arms were shaking, it was difficult going right from HSPUs directly into the hold. We did it again, this time doing a 30 second hold, coming off the wall for about 5 seconds, then doing more HSPUs, and the hold was a lot easier that time. The toes to bar hold was also hard, after 15 seconds my forearms were screaming, I think I might try a mixed grip next time. The best part of the day was getting to test out the fat bar, I have never used one before and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. I was worried I wouldn't be able to clean it since my hands don't wrap all the way around the bar but I was able to get it up without a problem. The most difficult part about that was the front rack hold, it was pressing against my chest and making it a little difficult to breath. It will be interesting trying to lunge with the fat bar.
The second part went a lot better than expected, the last time rope climbs came up in a wod I basically failed miserably but they were a lot better today. My technique is really improving, although the last two rope climbs were all arms, and I need to work on a faster descent. Squat cleans felt good but it was weird not doing those in my olympic shoes, I couldn't wear them due to the rope climbs so I was coming up on my toes for a few of the cleans. I'm really pleased with how this one went, I thought it was going to take me a lot longer. Another good weekend of training!
B. AMRAP (-2) unbroken toes to bar right into :30 hand from bar
C. 3 sets of 5-8 fat bar shoulder to overhead @100# right into :30 front rack hold
For time:
2 rope climbs
2 squat cleans (135#)
2 rope climbs
3 squat cleans
2 rope climbs
4 squat cleans
A. 12
B. 17
C. complete, 8 reps
Good day testing out the last two regionals wods. The HSPUs right into the handstand hold was surprisingly a lot harder than I expected. After about 15 seconds into the hold my arms were shaking, it was difficult going right from HSPUs directly into the hold. We did it again, this time doing a 30 second hold, coming off the wall for about 5 seconds, then doing more HSPUs, and the hold was a lot easier that time. The toes to bar hold was also hard, after 15 seconds my forearms were screaming, I think I might try a mixed grip next time. The best part of the day was getting to test out the fat bar, I have never used one before and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. I was worried I wouldn't be able to clean it since my hands don't wrap all the way around the bar but I was able to get it up without a problem. The most difficult part about that was the front rack hold, it was pressing against my chest and making it a little difficult to breath. It will be interesting trying to lunge with the fat bar.
The second part went a lot better than expected, the last time rope climbs came up in a wod I basically failed miserably but they were a lot better today. My technique is really improving, although the last two rope climbs were all arms, and I need to work on a faster descent. Squat cleans felt good but it was weird not doing those in my olympic shoes, I couldn't wear them due to the rope climbs so I was coming up on my toes for a few of the cleans. I'm really pleased with how this one went, I thought it was going to take me a lot longer. Another good weekend of training!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10 foot target)
30 chest to bar pull ups
30 alternating pistol squats
30 one arm dumbbell snatch (50#, alternating arms)
For time:
Deadlift (185#)
Box jumps (24" box)
splits were 1:17 (wall ball), 4:10 (CTB), 7:05 (pistols)
The first workout went a lot better than I expected. I knew it wasn't going to take too long since 30 isn't a terrible number, but I have never snatched a 50# dumbbell so I wasn't sure how that was going to go. It actually ended up being the easiest part of the workout for me. The CTB pull ups took longer than they should have, I really need to work on learning how to butterfly those. The pistol squats were a LOT better than they have been in the past, definitely stronger and getting faster. I made up a lot of time on the DB snatch, didn't fail any and they felt good the whole way through. Really pleased with how this went.
The deadlift workout went really well. I felt like I was moving at a good pace the whole time and I'm really happy with my time. The deadlifts felt nice and easy up until the round of 9, then they were a bit of a struggle. Overall I think my breathing is finally starting to get better. Excited to do the last two regionals wods tomorrow.
30 wall ball (14# to a 10 foot target)
30 chest to bar pull ups
30 alternating pistol squats
30 one arm dumbbell snatch (50#, alternating arms)
For time:
Deadlift (185#)
Box jumps (24" box)
splits were 1:17 (wall ball), 4:10 (CTB), 7:05 (pistols)
The first workout went a lot better than I expected. I knew it wasn't going to take too long since 30 isn't a terrible number, but I have never snatched a 50# dumbbell so I wasn't sure how that was going to go. It actually ended up being the easiest part of the workout for me. The CTB pull ups took longer than they should have, I really need to work on learning how to butterfly those. The pistol squats were a LOT better than they have been in the past, definitely stronger and getting faster. I made up a lot of time on the DB snatch, didn't fail any and they felt good the whole way through. Really pleased with how this went.
The deadlift workout went really well. I felt like I was moving at a good pace the whole time and I'm really happy with my time. The deadlifts felt nice and easy up until the round of 9, then they were a bit of a struggle. Overall I think my breathing is finally starting to get better. Excited to do the last two regionals wods tomorrow.
Friday, May 10, 2013
A. “Jackie”
1000 meter row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull ups
7:00 to build to a OHS 3RM from the ground
3 sets of:
3 burpee muscle ups as fast as possible
2:00 rest
1000 meter row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull ups
7:00 to build to a OHS 3RM from the ground
3 sets of:
3 burpee muscle ups as fast as possible
2:00 rest
A. 8:32 (PR)
115#, called it after that due to pain in wrist
:59, :50, DNF (got 2 but could not get the third MU)
115#, called it after that due to pain in wrist
:59, :50, DNF (got 2 but could not get the third MU)
Today was both good and bad. I am really proud of how I did on Jackie, I expected my time to be 9:00 or more, but I felt like a kept a really good pace the whole time and I am really happy with how it went. The OHS were a little rough, had to call it early because it was really painful on my wrist. I was hoping the pain would go away after I hurt it on Wednesday but it's still bothering me so I had to stop the OHS after 115# even though I think I could have hit 125#. Oh well, I don't want to hurt it even worse. The burpee muscle ups started out pretty good after we figured out how to jump to the rings, but I wasn't able to finish the third round. I got the first two muscle ups then just could not get the last one, something was off with my grip. It's going to take some practice getting used to jumping to the rings since they are so high (for me, ha). I also ended up tearing my wrists. But I enjoyed the last part. Excited to hit some more of the team regionals wods tomorrow!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
5 TnG deadlift (205#)
Airdyne 90 seconds @85%
rest 2 min
5 TnG power clean (135#)
Run 400m @85%
rest 2 min
A. 165-170-175-185(PR)-190(Fail x 3)
Good day today. I was a little worried when I first started the cleans because my technique just felt off. I felt like I was "gripping and ripping" instead of getting tight and executing the clean correctly. Definitely landed pretty wide on the 175# clean, I was going to go to 180 but Angel convinced me to go up to 185# and I'm glad I did because I got it! PR! I went for 190 three times but failed. On the third attempt I tried to catch it in a squat but caught it weird and tweaked my wrist a little bit. The second half of the workout was good, deadlifts were easy and fast, and 90 seconds on the airdyne feels like FOREVER. The clean/run workout felt fine, although it started raining right as I started running on my first round. Oh well. Definitely looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A. Squat snatch; 3 reps on the min for 10 min @ 85#
Thrusters (105#)
Muscle up
A. complete
The squat snatch is definitely my least favorite lift and it is my worst lift. The 3 reps EMOM were pretty ugly, luckily Stephen was there to give me some pointers (or "nuggets" as he calls them) which really helped, I just need to work on it more. I am definitely not executing the snatch correctly, and the more I did it the more frustrated I got because I knew I wasn't really making progress. Stephen said once I start doing individualized programming he's going to have me doing a lot of stuff from the blocks which will definitely help, I'm excited for that. The thruster/muscle workout was enjoyable, I was just breathing so heavy the whole time. All the thrusters felt really good and pretty easy, the muscle ups were done in sets of 2 until the round of 5, then they went a bit downhill. Still got all of them, just had to break them into singles. I need to learn how to do MUs without a false grip because I always end up tearing my wrists. But I am pleased with how I did on this. I always like anything with heavy thrusters!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
10 min amrap:
24 double unders
12 pistols
6 muscle ups
For time:
50 calorie airdyne buy in
… then
Deadlift 185#
Burpee box jump 24" (regional standard on box)
4 muscle ups short of 3 rounds
The AM session was good, pistols were definitely the limiting factor. They are still too slow and I had to use assistance from my right leg on the left leg pistols. Muscle ups felt good, mostly in sets of 2 except for the 5th and 6th rep each time. PM session was tough but not too bad, the airdyne buy-in went pretty quick. I broke up the deadlifts in sets of 7 for the 21 and sets of 5 for the 15, then 4, 3, and 2 for the set of 9. The burpee box jumps were just tiring, this workout was definitely all lungs for me because the deadlift weight didn't feel that heavy. Another fun day at the gym!!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
A. Power clean and push jerk; build to a max triple in 10 min (all reps must be completed in 30 seconds from the start of the first rep)
For time:
20 power clean 135#
30 burpees
75 hspu for time
* each time you come off the wall you must perform a 400m run
A. 155
Great day today!! The AM session was awesome, I love cleans so I was happy to see those come up. Doing a push jerk instead of a split jerk still feels a little awkward but it's getting more comfortable, I was happy to end up at 155. I like building to a max in a set amount of time, it really pushes me to really increase in weight quickly and I like that. The power clean/burpee workout felt great, I was pleased at how quickly I finished it. First 10 cleans were touch and go, then broke it into 4, 3, and 3. The burpees felt nice and steady, didn't really stop to rest at all.
The PM session was difficult but I actually enjoyed it. I do not like running but it felt decent today, the worst part was just fatigue in the shoulders from the HSPU. Also it sucked having to run every time I came off the wall, because at one point I had only done 6 HSPU and I accidentally teetered forward and fell off, even though I had plenty left in me to do more HSPU. That was a little frustrating, but overall a great workout. It was a really good day and it was fun working out with Pat, Jessie, Kathryn and Michael.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Double "jackie"
2 rounds for time:
Row 1k
50 thrusters (45#)
30 chin ups
This was rough but not terrible. The first round wasn't that bad, but the second round SUCKED. The row felt like it took forever, and the thrusters hurt a lot. Jackie is very deceiving, since the thrusters are only 45 pounds it seems like it won't be that bad, but by the second round they were pretty difficult, I had to break them up into sets of 10. I had to break up the second round of pull ups into sets of 5, but my butterfly pull ups are getting a lot quicker and more efficient. This was definitely a workout that looked a lot easier than it actually was.
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