Tuesday, January 26, 2016


A. Front squat, 4-3-2, 22x1; 2:30 rest
B. Thrusters, 6x5 unbroken @95; begin a set every :60
both @80%
Barbell Blitz 6:00 AMRAP 1
:60 rest
Barbell Blitz 6:00 AMRAP 2
3 rounds not for time:
5-8/leg 1-leg reverse hypers, slow and controlled
2:30 anterior loaded banded march (bear hug a med ball @chest)

A. 155-185-205
B. complete
30 KB + 24 pistols
15 BBJ + 11 STO
25#/side for RH
14# WB for banded march

Man, front squats are just going really well right now. These felt great. 205 was tough but I was never worried about standing it up. I'm pretty happy with how confident I've become with both front squats and back squats over the past few months. 

Thrusters were the worst! These were just terrible today. I can't believe how different these were from last Saturday. I think I am literally squatting TOO low, my ass is almost touching the ground and it's just super inefficient and a waste of energy. I need to find a way to fix it a little bit. These are going to be pretty gross at the competition, I'm assuming we'll do at least sets of five. 

The Barbell Blitz workouts went much better than last week, mostly because I didn't have to do all the shoulder work. I also got to do some pistols and these have improved so much! Huzzah! Also, Stephen gave me a good tip about following the KB down with my other hand so the transition is shorter. Thanks Stevo. The shoulder to overhead on the second workout was so much better than last week, probably because my shoulders weren't jacked up from doing a billion KB snatches. I should be able to do sets of 4-5 of these at the competition. This was really fun to do with Emily. I wouldn't mind being synced up with her a few times a month on our training, I know she could definitely push me in the aerobic workouts. Plus she's my best bro and it was fun getting to train with her. 


10:00 bike @Z1
4 sets:
:30 row very hard
4:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility of choice

A. Snatch gauntlet, 1 every 2:00 starting @120 and adding 10 every 2:00
For reps @high effort
2:00 power cleans, 155
2:00 CTB pull ups, sets of 3,4 or 5 unbroken, have a plan, stick to it, and see how it goes...
Every :60 for 12:00
1-6: 8 kipping handstand push ups
7-12: 12 touch and go deadlifts, 95
3 rounds not for time:
15-20m double KB/DB overhead carry
6/side moderate powell raises, 30x0



A. 150 (160 Fx3)
19 cleans
not sure how many pull ups
35# KB for OHC
12# DB for PR

Meh, today was not the best. 

Didn't have time between classes for bike or mobility, I figured the row sprints were the priority so I got those done. Once I transition to this new gym and I don't have to coach at Fitworks anymore I should have more time to complete my AM session. 

The snatch gauntlet was so disappointing. I know this was setting me up for a 170 PR and I didn't even hit 160. This was the worst. Shoulders were feeling really shaky on every rep. I didn't have any fails until I went for 160. I lost it behind me on the first attempt and it was a good miss so I decided to go for it again. I lost it out in front so I went for it one more time. I caught it in the bottom and started to stand up with it but walked it forward a bit and my shoulders gave out. This makes me pretty nervous how unstable my shoulders feel right now. Heather asked me if at this moment in time I would be able to confidently catch a heavy snatch balance and I said no, I don't think my shoulders would support it. This also worries me because I want to hit 160 at least one more time before the competition on Saturday. I don't know what the deal is. I think I need to spend more time on stability and not mobility, just like Balza was talking about last week. Merrrrr. This is frustrating because my snatches were feeling great last week.

Power clean/pull up piece didn't go very well. I got the same amount of power cleans as last week but they were slower. I tried to imagine Matt was there but I was resting more between reps this time. Pull ups were a disaster, I tried to go with sets of 4 but it was really difficult to hang on to that. Also, the clock was reset while I was doing this (I thought I timed it out better) and I completely lost track of where I was. I actually have no idea how many pull ups I ended up with but I know it wasn't very many at all. I was resting a lot between sets. This was difficult to do by myself, if we have to do this one again I'll definitely do it with a partner. 

Handstand push ups and deadlifts were easy, my kipping HSPU have gotten so fast. This was the one highlight of my day. 

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