Tuesday, September 9, 2014


8:00 @ 75% of [1 free-standing handstand push-up + 100m row]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [25m heavy Farmer's walk + 25m heavy prowler push]
4:00 rest
For time @ 100%:
10 thrusters, 95
30 double-unders
8 thrusters, 95
30 double-unders
6 thrusters, 95
30 double-unders
4 thrusters, 95
30 double-unders
2 thrusters, 95
800m sled drag, tough grind

complete with 90# on prowler, 70#/hand farmers walk
all thrusters UB
complete with 110# on sled


5 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
5 dead hang to inverted
2:00 row
2/side moderate/tough Turkish get-ups

A. Squat clean, 6 x 2 @ 165; begin a set set every :60
B. Segmented snatch-grip deadlift clusters (pause just off ground, just below knees, mid-thigh), 4 x 1.1 starting @ 165 and adding; :15 between singles 3:00 rest
6 sets @ very high effort:
10 alternating box step-ups, 20
9 kipping handstand push-ups
8 CTB pull-ups
7 shoulder-to-overhead, 85
:90 rest
5 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 90 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Front leaning rest on rings, accumulate 180 seconds; rest and break as needed to ensure perfect positions throughout

complete with 35# KB

A. complete, all TNG except for 4th set
B. 165-185-195-205
1:41- HPSU UB
1:32- UB
1:50- 7/2
1:41- 7/2
2:00- 7/1/1, fell off wall
1:50- 7/2


40:00 row@z1


A. Snatch balance, build to a tough set in 5-7 attempts from an empty bar
B. 1 push jerk + 1 split jerks, 6 x 1 tough; begin a set every 2:00
For time:
30 wall balls, 14
15 strict pull-ups
20 wall balls, 20
10 muscle-ups
10 wall balls, 30
5 rope climbs
3 sets @ 100%:
:15 toes-to-bar
:15 box jumps w/step-down, 20
:15 row
5:25 rest

A. 85-105-115-125-135-140-145(F)
B. 145-155-165-175-180-185

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