5-7 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
25m Farmer's walk, 70/hand
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups
A. Squat clean, 8 x 1 @ 185; begin a set every :60
B1. Snatch pull clusters, 3 x 1.1 starting @ 165 & adding 5 each set; :20 between singles, :90 rest
B2. Handstand push-ups, 3 x 10 unbroken; :90 rest
3 rounds for time w/20:00 cap:
9 muscle-ups
27 wall balls, 14 to 9
20 toes-to-bar
14 deadlifts, 155
6 rounds complete
25# KB
A. complete
B1. complete
B2. complete
2 rounds + 18 TTB
Definitely did not warm up enough for the squat cleans, they didn't start feeling good until halfway through. I failed the first one because I was sloppy with my set up. Snatch pulls are getting better. HSPU felt great today, they were fast and easy. The 20:00 piece was tough, I haven't done a workout that long in awhile. The first two rounds actually went pretty well but I struggled in the third round. Muscle ups were 5/2/2, then 3/3/3, then 2/2/2/2/1. Tried to keep the toes to bar in sets of 5 but they fell to singles in the last round. Deadlifts were always 6/4/4 and felt easy. I was definitely breathing hard right away, doing large sets of muscle ups and wall ball always tires me out. I was sort of disappointed with my performance on this, I feel like I just gave up in the third round. I think I actually could have finished the workout under the time cap if I would have pushed myself. Once I got to the wall ball, I was breaking it up way too much. I do much better if I have someone telling me to pick up the ball or telling me when to go, especially at the tail end of a workout. Once I got to the toes to bar I should have tried harder to get those done and get to the deadlifts but I just sort of gave up. I would like to re-test this in a few months, I think I can finish it.