Tuesday, September 3, 2013


A. Front squat clusters, 3 x; :30 between doubles, 3:00 rest
For completed reps:
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
5:00 rest
1 muscle-up attempt every :30 for 5:00
AMRAP in 8:00:
5 hang power cleans, 135
10 toes-to-bar

A. Complete @ 170
5:00 rest
6 rounds

Everything felt great today. I finally got all the muscle ups! I am so happy about that. They felt really good on Sunday so I figured they would go pretty well today too but I didn't expect to get all of them. I am really happy with the progress I have made on MUs in the past few weeks, now I am confident that I can get muscle ups without a false grip. The AMRAP went well, all hang cleans were unbroken except the last round, I dropped it after the third one because I lost my grip. All the toes to bar were broken up into sets of 5 except for the last two rounds they were sets of 4/3/3 because I could not hang on to the bar, my grip was shot at that point, and the last few reps of my last round were singles. Overall I am pleased with how it went, I'm happy the cleans felt good. Good day today! I am very happy with how my training is going right now. 

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