Thursday, January 14, 2016


30:00 bike @Z1



6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:15-:20 planche hold w/feet in rings
:60 airdyne
2 dead hang to inverted
2x [:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Squat snatch, 9x1 waveload @105-125-145, begin a rep every :90
B. Snatch pull, build to a single @175
C. Clean pull, build to a single @235
14:00 @80%
5 strict handstand push ups
5 burpees
10 ski erg calories
30 unbroken double unders
50m farmers walk, 53/hand

6 sets complete

A. complete
B. complete
C. complete

Another good day!

No misses on the snatches today, although they were all "soft" catches. I didn't feel very stable and crisp overhead, I was loose in the bottom of the squat for every rep at 125 and 145. I definitely wouldn't qualify any of these as a "pretty" rep but I didn't miss any either so that's a plus. I probably should have warmed up a bit more for this. I would like to hit 160 a few more times before the competition. 

Snatch pull was super easy.

Clean pull was also very easy. 

The 14:00 piece felt really good, I was able to stay steady the whole time with really no breaks. Strict handstand push ups were unbroken every set, these have gotten so good over the past month! They were so fast. (Where were these during regionals practice?) Farmers walk was broken up 25m/25m each time. No trips on the double unders. Solid day. 


5 sets of:
:3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest

A. Back squat, 3-2-1-1-1, 20x1 building so only last single is tough (still not maximal), 2:00 rest
B. Muscle ups, 10x3 unbroken; :60 rest
3 sets for even times:
15 toes to bar 15 pulls on the ski erg
25 wall balls, 14 to 10
35 row calories
4:00 walk rest
2000m row @Z1

complete-ish....I glanced at my programming and thought I had the same stuff from last week so I ended up doing the 4 sets of 6:00 bike and 3:00 mobility. Oops. 

A. 215-235-250-260-270
B. 8 sets complete (ripped)

Today was good! 

Back squats continue to feel really solid, 270 is only 10 pounds off my PR and it went up pretty easily (video). I think I could hit 285 if I had to hit a true max and made the correct jumps. 

Muscle ups were awesome today. I decided to go back to catching them in a dip instead of straight arms because I'm more efficient out of the dip. Austin said it's good to have both in the arsenal and I agree. I was on track to hit an easy 10 sets but I ripped on third rep of my eighth set so I called it there. 

Stephen told me to do ski erg pulls instead of toes to bar (on account of the rip) and I actually enjoyed that. This went much better than last week. Wall balls were broken up 19/6 on the first two sets (why? I don't know) and broken up 15/10 on the last set. I definitely rested too long during the third set of wall balls, hence the reason why my time is so much slower. But overall I went into this workout with a much better attitude than I did last week. 

Feeling much better in general this week. I had a good talk with Stephen today and I'm feeling more confident about the Open and regionals. I'm not so stressed anymore about things "feeling bad", he said burpees and thrusters are never going to feel "good" and we should only start to worry if I get to a point where I'm feeling so shitty I'm failing muscle ups. I think I was just tired and stressed about my performance lately and it was messing with me mentally. I got some nice reassurance from Stevo and I'm feeling a lot better. I guess we all have to have a mental breakdown at some point, amiright? 


40:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5 kipping handstand push ups

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow & deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Power clean & split jerk, build to a heavy single in 15:00
For time:
45 power cleans, 105- 5 burpees to start every :60
3 rounds not for time:
5-8/side 1-leg reverse hypers, 2020
:60 flutter kicks


A. complete
B. 200
25#/side for RH

I was so pleased with the 200 pound clean and jerk, this is the heaviest weight I've had overhead since I jerked 210 at the Shankle seminar in August. This was such a relief. Everything felt really solid, I was punching underneath all the jerks aggressively and all the power cleans were easy. I think I could have hit 205 if I had more time. 

The for time piece went pretty well, I'm not sure if this is a good time? I tried to move as fast as I could although the burpees definitely slowed down near the end. I ended up doing five sets of burpees. Power cleans were 13/9/8/7/9 (not unbroken, just the total amount done in the minute). Also, I just added these up and I did an extra clean at the very end. I should have only done 8 instead of 9 in the last set. Oops. Oh well. All cleans were sets of 3-5 touch and go except for a set of 8 to start out. Breathing hard but felt good throughout. 

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