8:00 to work up to a power clean max
2:00 rest
8:00 AMRAP power cleans at 90% of established max
2:00 rest
8:00 AMRAP power cleans at 90% of established max
190 (PR +5)
2:00 rest
21 cleans @170#
2:00 rest
21 cleans @170#
Great day today. I wasn't expecting to PR in the first part, I didn't think I would be able to work up to a PR in 8:00 but I got up to 185 which was my current PR and it went up really easily. I actually said "holy shit" out loud when I got it. I had one minute left to try for 190 so I did and I got it, it felt good and I think I could have tried for 195 but my 8:00 was up. I went to 170 for the second half, and they felt surprisingly good. I only failed one rep. At first I was resting too long between reps so I tried doing one rep every 20 seconds. It was pretty tiring but Josh was pushing me to get back to the bar and it really helped. I am really happy with how today went, the first week of testing is over and I am so pleased with how it's going!