Wednesday, July 27, 2016


8 sets:
500m row @2:04.0-2:04.9 for all sets
2:30 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work
5 dragon flags
A. 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk, 5x1; 2:00 rest
For time:
15 deadlifts, 185
90' handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 185
2 sets @high effort:
1 mile assault bike
20 burpees
3:00 walk rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


longest HS hold- :22 
A. 145-155-165-175-185
DNS- ran out of time 

Rows were tougher than usual this morning, it was hard to keep the pace at a steady 2:04. I was more comfortable pulling at either 2:03 or 2:05, it was difficult to find a good pace today. 

My handstand holds are definitely getting better, this is the second week in a row I've been able to hold longer than :20. 

Really happy with the push jerk/split jerk, 185 is only five pounds under my current push jerk PR. Everything was crisp. 

The deadlift/HS walk workout was tougher than I thought it would be. Originally I was going to break up both sets of deadlifts into 10/5 but once I got going on the first set I just did all fifteen unbroken. HS walk was 45'/45' unbroken both ways. I broke up the second set of deadlifts 10/5, I could feel my lower back starting to light up and my cycle time was slowing down. This was a fun one. 

Guess what wasn't fun? The assault bike and burpees. Ew man, this combo is a real b-hole. I tried to hold 60 RPM on the assault bike and my legs were jello when I got to the burpees. Conner and Marcus Filly did three rounds of this in like nine minutes! It would take me at least twelve minutes to do that. I know it's coming, mostly because Stephen already told me I would be doing it at some point and because that's where my programming seems to be heading. RIP me. RIP my legs. 


A. Front squat w/chains, 3-3-3-3; 2:30 rest
B. Toes to bar, 10x6 unbroken, begin a set every :60
AMRAP in 10:00
1 squat clean attempt- you pick weight, can change round to round but score as total weight successfully lifted over the 10:00
10 wall balls, 14 to 9'
Crossover Symmetry recovery

A. 125-145-165-175 (plus chains)
B. complete
11 rounds + 1 clean
cleans @175
Total weight lifted- 2,100

Solid day. I forgot how awkward it is to squat with the chains but these felt good. 

Toes to bar were easy. I'm almost hoping these come up in the Open next year just so I can redeem myself. 

The AMRAP was so fun! I'm glad I talked to Stephen before I did this, originally I was planning on starting at 160 and adding weight every two rounds but Stephen told me to just pick one weight and stick with it. I went with 175, it got tough near the end but I didn't have any misses. I thought my transitions were good throughout the whole workout. That's a lot of squatting. 12 cleans at 175 and 110 wall balls in ten minutes is pretty sweet, at least I think so. I'm really enjoying these pieces with the heavy barbell. 

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