Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A. Squat snatch from high hang (no blocks), build quickly to a tough double
B1. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-1, 20x1; 60 rest
B2. Axle pendlay row, 3x4-6, 20x1; 60 rest
5:00 airdyne @Z1
10 sets:
:10 airdyne hard
:50 airdyne easy
5:00 airdyne @Z1

A. 140
B1. 130-135-140
B2. 110-120(4)-120

Snatching felt GREAT today! Slowly but surely it is getting better. I was not expecting to end up at 140 for a double, I thought I would get somewhere around 125-130. The weight felt light every time, the only thing holding me back is the return to the hang for the second snatch. There's really no easy way to do it when the weight starts getting heavy. During my set at 140 I hit the first snatch easily, returned it to the hang position and lost my grip. I had to completely re-grip and I didn't think I would make the lift but I was able to hit it anyways. George also gave me a tip that really helped, he said when I bring the bar to the hang, bend my knees first and then lower the bar. It actually made a difference and made the lift easier. Very happy with my snatches lately!

Bench press did not go as well as I wanted. I was hoping to hit a PR of 150 but when I was warming up I knew that wasn't going to happen. 125 felt heavy and it was a struggle to hit 135 for a second rep. I went to 140 for 1 and got it pretty easily but I don't think I would have been able to get 145. A little frustrating but just didn't have much energy for these. Not sure if I'm still a little fatigued from the competition or what. Oh well, next time. 

Definitely nice to have a bit of a deload week after the competition, I'm savoring it because I know open prep is coming...


60:00 airdyne @Z1 


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