Thursday, September 10, 2015




7-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 freestanding handstand practice-goal is to stay w/in a 4-6" mat
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
:60 single unders

A. 1 hang squat snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat, build to a tough set
B. Hang squat snatch, 6x4 unbroken moderate, begin a set every :60
C. Pendlay row, 5-5-5-5, 20x0, 2:00 rest
For time:
150' handstand walk
For time:
500m ski erg

7 sets complete

A. 155 (then hit a 160 hang snatch PR)
B. complete @85
C. 115-125-135-140


I felt so good today. I don't know why or how, but today was the best I have felt in a long time. 

I really liked the hang snatch/snatch balance/OHS complex. It was definitely interesting not doing the snatch balance from a rack, although I think it was actually a bit easier. Hang snatches were feeling so fast and easy today, I can't believe how different they were from just two days ago. I hit the complex at 155, the hang snatch was very easy but the snatch balance was getting difficult so I called it there. I decided to go for a 160 hang snatch PR just because they were feeling so good. NAILED IT. It was very easy and I had more in the tank. 

I decided to stick with 85 for the hang snatches, they were tough last week and this week I was starting every minute instead of every :90. I wasn't as out of breath as I was last week but I figured out I don't really like doing multiple reps of hang snatches, it's very awkward. I'm trying to do them quickly but I'm also trying to take my time to make sure my set up is good on every rep, and then I'm holding my breath a lot, and it's just a whole thing. 

Pendlay rows were good.

Handstand walk was good and then it was bad. The first 50' were unbroken but I rested too long before turning around. I broke once on the second set of 50' and I finished around :57. Then I stood there wayyyy too long before starting the last leg. The last 50' were really tough, my shoulders were really fried and I broke twice. Merrrrr. Getting better but still not where it should be. 

I have no idea if my time on the 500m ski erg is good or bad. I just tried to go as fast as possible. 

Excellent training day overall. And it's finally not 1000 degrees. 


30:00 airdyne @Z1
15:00 mobility work of choice

A. Power clean, build to a touch and go 3RM
B. Behind the neck push jerk, 3-3-3-3, 21x1; 2:00 rest
10 rounds for even times:
4 burpees
6 double overhand axle deadlifts, 120
8 wall balls, 14 to 10'
:45 walk rest
800m walk cool down

airdyne complete, did not have time for mobility

A. 180
B. 125-135-145-155

Did not have time to complete the mobility this morning, instead sat at Tire Discounters for an hour and a half waiting for them to put new tires on my car. That was fun.

3RM power clean was the best I could do today, I don't think I could have gotten three reps at 185, and definitely not three GOOD reps. I caught the third power clean with a slightly rounded back and that just makes me nervous, I don't like catching shit with bad form so I called it because I figured 185 would have looked worse. 

BTN push jerks were really easy today, the only hard part is bringing it back down behind the neck at the tempo. 

10 sets for even times felt really good, breathing was pretty steady throughout the whole thing. I didn't really start breathing hard until the 8th or 9th set. The :45 rest definitely flew by.

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