Tuesday, October 20, 2015


30:00 airdyne @Z1

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward + 10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/flat back; :90 rest
B. Hang power clean, 3-3-3-3; begin a set every 2:00
10:00 @80% 
15 burpees
250m row
3 rounds not for time:
20 band pull aparts
10-15 moderate reverse hypers 


A. complete
B. 145-155-170-180 (PR+5)
red band
65#/side for RH

Pretty good day! 

Bear crawl was good, I tried to really focus on pushing my shoulder blades back and trying to keep my traps relaxed. 

Hang power cleans were excellent, these are my favorite. 180 was a 5 pound PR for a 3RM hang power clean (video). It was very easy, I definitely could have gone heavier. I probably should have taken time to set up a bit more for the first rep but the second and third rep just flew up there. I know I could hit 185, maybe 190 for this. 

I actually enjoyed the 10:00 piece. I got 4 rounds plus 1 burpee. I think that's decent? I think I was breathing harder than an 80% pace but I was just trying to stay moving the entire time. I thought my transitions were pretty good. I would like to keep doing things like this to try and get my aerobic capacity back to where it was before I had to start decreasing my volume. I never thought I would enjoy doing burpees and rowing but I know I need to work on things like this. I don't want to be totally useless for the Open. At this rate my arms won't even be functioning by that point. 

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