Tuesday, December 23, 2014


60:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 10:00 for 3 dead hang to inverted + 3 wall walks + :30/side plank



8 sets:
200m run @90% aerobic
:60 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
50m farmers walk, 100/hand
5 strict handstand push ups
5 bar muscle ups
8 sets:
:60 airdyne @90% aerobic
:60 airdyne @50%

complete (with Megan!)
3 rounds + 25m farmers carry (Cody joined me on this!)

Thankfully today was much better than yesterday. Seeing Megan at the gym really lifted my spirits. She offered to run with me and it was awesome, it made the runs more fun and she also pushed the pace which was good. Runs felt great today.

I'm pretty pleased with the AMRAP. The farmers carry with the 100/hand is getting easier and easier. My strict HSPU were also the best they have been so far, I did 4 in a row! The next two rounds were 3/2, already an improvement from last Sunday. Bar MUs were alright, first round was 4/1 then 3/2 for the other two rounds. My grip was pretty shot from the heavy farmers carry so it was tough to hang on to the bar for more than 3 reps. Cody offered to do this one with me and that was cool, it's always nice getting to work out with him! 

Airdyne was good. Today was a lot better. 


5-7 rounds @ easy pace
:60 airdyne
20m/side 1-arm farmers walk, 70
:60 row
3/side KB windmill
:60 FLR on ground

A. Squat snatch, accumulate 5 singles @145 or higher; rest as needed
B1. Weighted ring dip, 2x2-3, 20x1; :90 rest
B2. Weighted pronated pull up, 2x2-3, 21x0; :90 rest
8:00 @80% of (5 unbroken toes-to-bar + 5 unbroken deadlift @165 + 5 bar facing burpees)
4:00 rest
8:00 @80% of (15 hip extensions + 15 box jump/step down, 20 + 15 airdyne calories)
Not for time:
400m sled drag, moderate load allowing for minimal rest

5 rounds complete

A. Errrr..... 1 rep complete @145 and 1 rep complete @125. This didn't go well. Dropped the bar on my back while warming up and things just went downhill from there.
B1. 20-25
B2. 35-40
complete with 90# on sled

Today was rough man. Real rough. While I was warming up for the snatches I could tell I didn't have a lot of energy. I was supposed to 5 singles at 145 or higher, and I knew it would take me awhile to even get to 145. I hit 105, 125, then went for 135. When I snatched 135, the bar went too far behind me and I lost control of it. I usually fail out in front but this time it went behind and I didn't get out of the way in time, the bar dropped on my lower back. It hurt. It also really freaked me out. I tried to shake it off and went up to 145. I caught it completely on my toes, I'm not even sure how I managed to stand it up. I tried again and failed. Then I failed three more times. I could tell I was afraid to actually drop under the bar and punch it above my head because I was scared I would drop it behind me again. Stephen told me to keep trying because I need to learn how to regain my confidence in situations like this. I failed two more times and each rep was getting worse and worse. The bar was way out in front because I just didn't want to actually land on my heels. It was all mental. I legitimately almost burst into tears right on the platform. I was extremely frustrated and I couldn't shake the fear of dropping the bar behind me. It was so dumb. Stephen told me to take tens off each side and go down to 125. I managed to hit one rep and then called it. This was probably one of the worst snatching sessions I have ever had, and I was mad because I felt like I had completely wasted a lifting session. 

Weighted dips and pull ups felt good today, I think a weighted pull up PR might be in the near future.

The 8:00 pieces were good, although I was pretty drained by this point. Not sure why my energy was so lacking today. My TTB are getting really fast and easy. Deadlifts were easy. I wore the wrong pants to do box jumps. 

I used 90# on the sled, I only stopped a few times to change directions. I was moving pretty well. 

Overall, not a great day, but bad training days make me appreciate the good ones. 


30:00 row @Z1

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