Wednesday, September 7, 2016


8 sets:
500m row @2:01.0-2:01.9/500m 
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds for movement quality:
2x[5m handstand walk + 1 freestanding handstand push up]
5 dragon flags, slow descent
5 sets for quality reps:
:60 touch and go power clean doubles at 165
2:00 rest
5 sets for even times:
12 perfect push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75
.4 mile assault bike
3 sets not for time:
10-15 light reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Crossover Symmetry recovery


45#/side for RH
DNS- not enough time before coaching 

Solid day, very happy with everything. 

The handstand walk/FSHSPU was awesome! I did the first two rounds five meters at a time but on the third round I decided to do the full ten meters with both FSHSPU. I did it! Neat. I would like to keep doing more stuff like this, it's fun. 

I really had no idea what to expect for the touch and go power cleans. 165 is just heavy enough to get fatiguing after awhile. I ended up doing three sets of doubles every time. I definitely couldn't have done any more, especially during the last few sets. My grip was starting to get tired and my legs were also getting fatigued. I think all my reps were pretty crisp and I never had any fails. I'll cycle a heavy barbell over a super light barbell any day.

I thought the push up/medball workout went well. I did all the push ups unbroken which actually kind of surprised me, usually I end up breaking those up after awhile. Held 60-62 RPM on the assault bike. I'm not sure why my first round is so slow...


A. Front squat from the ground (squat clean counts as first rep) 5-5-5-5-5 building, begin a set every 3:00
B. Standing hand over hand sled pull (lats doing most of the work, tough load that can still be a predominantly upper body movement) 3x30m; begin a set ever 2:00
3 sets:
25 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 9'
:10 rest
max(-1) unbroken toes to bar
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery

A. 125-145-165-185-200
B. complete w/70# on sled
Balza rehab

I was happy with the front squats from the ground, my goal was 200. I failed the squat clean twice, I lost the first one forward and my foot slipped during the pull on the second attempt. I cleaned it pretty easily on the third try and the front squats were tough but I was never close to failing. 

The sled pull was definitely tough, it mostly just hurt my hands to pull the strap. I tried to do this perfectly, engaging my lats but not using my hips or legs. I think I did pretty well? I was definitely only using my upper body. 

Wall balls/toes to bar weren't great today. I'm not a fan of the heavy wall balls, my forearms were blown up by the time I got to the toes to bar. This was mostly just a grip issue but I feel like I should be able to do more than thirteen toes to bar at once. 


Long, unplugged hike

1 hour 40 min complete w/Heather @Cincinnati Nature Center 


5 rounds for reps- score as lowest round of burpees + lowest round of calories
:60 burpees- no jump/clap, just stand tall @top
:60 rest
:60 row calories
:60 rest
Bis, tris, and abs of choice 

20/18=38 (lowest score)


Ben Bergeron comp training 

A. Front squat, 8x3 @75% 
B. Power clean, 5x2 @80%
3 rounds for time:
10 CTB pull ups
10 power cleans, 95
10 front squats
10 jerks, 95
4 rounds for time:
16 assault bike calories
8 freestanding handstand push ups
8 medball to shoulder, 75

A. complete @185
B. complete @175, done cluster style (1.1) instead of touch and go

Alright. Let me just say this. Today wasn't fun and I didn't enjoy it (except for the very last part). 

Addison had asked me to come down to TCCF Friday evening to train with her and some other girls. I assumed I would be doing my own programming since she always does her own programming when she comes here, but she said the other girls were excited to have me work out with them so I figured it wouldn't hurt to stray from my programming for one day. Then Addison bailed at the last minute and I was left with this dumb programming instead of my awesome Friday programming. LESSON LEARNED. This was just way too much volume for my liking and most of it just seemed dumb. I basically pouted the entire time I was training today. 

Anyways. Front squats weren't bad at all, they actually got easier with each set. 

Power cleans were okay, my lower back kind of lit up during this for some reason.

The CTB/barbell piece was originally supposed to be FIVE ROUNDS. Luckily Stephen cut it down to three. And it still sucked! CTB pull ups were unbroken for the first two sets and then sort of fell apart in the third round because my grip was shot. I really don't care for light barbell cycling because my grip always falls apart. I felt like I was standing around a lot during this workout. 

The only part of my training I enjoyed today was the assault bike piece, it was pretty fun. Stephen let me do freestanding handstand push ups and they went really well! I did eight unbroken the last round which is definitely a PR. I thought I moved really well through this workout. 

Never straying from my programming again, I didn't care for the Ben Bergeron comp stuff. Way too much volume. 

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