Tuesday, October 29, 2013


A. 1 squat clean + 1 front squat, 12 x 1 @ 145; begin a set every :60
5 sets of:
15 double-unders
2 muscle-ups
15 double-unders
:60 rest
5 sets of:
3 overhead squats, 95 from the ground
5 kipping handstand push-ups
7 toes-to-bar
:60 rest

A. complete
complete, all rounds between 1:30-2:00
complete, all rounds between 1:00-1:30

Muscle ups were MUCH better today than last week. Today I just tried to not over think it and I got all the muscle ups! I was not able to string any together, which was a little frustrating because I feel like I am still taking two steps backwards, but it's better than failing all of them. During the third round I failed two in a row for some reason, I just wasn't really focusing. But those were the only misses I had, so I was very relieved. The overhead squat workout felt good, although I haven't done overhead squats in a really long time so those got a little iffy at times but everything else was good, handstand pushups were fast and toes to bar were easy. 

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