Sunday, December 29, 2013


10:00 Z1 mixed warm-up of AirDyne, row, ski erg, and handstand walk practice, keep it easy and stay moving
10:00 @ 90% of [1 rope climb + 15m heavy bag carry + AMRAP handstand push-ups + 15m heavy bag carry]
3 sets for even times:
400m run
500m row
3:00 rest

complete with 80# bag

also did some axle work, got up to 128 and cleaned it a few times to get a feel for how it's going to go during the competition

Felt really good today, I think all the bad shit is out of my system. Rope climbs were fast, I would have liked to get more HSPU each round but my arms were pretty sore today so I wasn't doing very well on those. The bag carry was cool, although I don't know how I'm going to run with an 80 pound bag in the competition in two weeks. Yikes. I'm happy with how the run/row workout went, I tried to keep an easy pace on the run and then pick it up on the row. I was happy that the first two sets were the exact same, I lost it a little on the last set because I rested too much between the run and the row. Also worked with the axle a bit to get a feel for how the 130 pound axle clean/hold is going to go at the GLI. 

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