Sunday, January 18, 2015


90:00 mobility, legs are pretty sore from the competition 


35:00 airdyne @Z1 


A. Squat snatch, build to quickly to 80-90% 1RM
B. Muscle ups, 1x max (-1) unbroken
For 12:00
1st: 10 burpees w/ jump to plate
2nd: 10 box jumps, 20
3rd: 6-10 alternating pistols
For max meters:
:90 row

A. 145 (150 Fx1)
B. 8
complete, 8 pistols each time
423 meters

Snatches felt easy today, I was able to work up to 145 pretty fast and every rep felt the same. I tried for 150 and fell forward but I didn't go for it again since I figured I would be working up to 135/145 at the competition. 

Muscle ups were EASY, I bitched out on these big time. My PR is 8 in a row, and for a moment I thought I would be able to hit 9 but as I came down to kip after the 8th rep my arms suddenly felt very tired and I just thought "my arms hurt so I should stop" so I didn't even try for a 9th rep. As soon as I dropped off the rings, I was annoyed with myself. I think if I tried for the 9th muscle up I would have gotten it, but my arms were pretty tired after the 8th one so I just dropped off. WHY. I should have gone for it. Heather said the eighth rep looked exactly the same as the first rep. I was disappointed with myself for not going for a PR but I'm happy that I'm able to consistently hit bigger sets. I would like to try this again at some point and next time I won't be a lil bitch. 

The EMOM was cool, breathing felt really good throughout the whole thing. I thought the programming said 6-8 pistols instead of 6-10, so I only did 8 each time. Dammit. I would have done 10 but I thought 8 was the max. Oops. I'm also trying to get better at doing pistols in my nanos instead of my lifters, they are still slow but definitely improving. 

The row was terrible. I went out way too hot and started losing it about 45 seconds in. My legs were pretty fatigued at this point, probably from pistols and box jumps. That was a very long 90 seconds. 

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